Past Sponsored Teaching and Learning Events
2023-2024 Sponsored Teaching and Learning Events
Developing and Teaching an Online Class
Magna Publications
Offered throughout the year. Start at any time!
- Grant Award: $179
- 20 slots available
This course is completely asynchronous course can be started at any time.
Learning Goals:
- Articulate the differences between face-to-face and online teaching
- Build and present online courses with confidence
- Create syllabi, assessments, feedback methods, and other classroom tools based on best practices
- Use technology to enhance students’ classroom experience and learning outcomes
This course includes ~15 hours of content, activities, worksheets, and additional resources to explore over the one-year access period. The tuition ($159) is covered by the Pew FTLC.
Faculty choosing this option are also expected to reference the quality standards detailed in the Online/Hybrid Course Peer Review Rubric and learn the basic functions of Blackboard, our learning management system. Review Basic Blackboard competencies here.
For faculty planning to teach online and hybrid courses, this course meets the GVSU competency requirement.
Reacting to the Past (RTTP) Winter Virtual Conference
- January 12–14, 2024
- Virtual
- Award Amount: $200 Registration Fee
- 10 spots available
The University of Georgia is hosting the/8th/Annual Reacting to the Past Winter Conference/on January 12th–14th, 2024, focusing on active learning. The Reacting Consortium is offering five games, three of which have never before been featured for play at a Reacting event, representing a broad range of geography, discipline, and era:/Charles Babbage,/Enlightenment in Crisis,/1894 Korea: Kabo Reforms,/Council of Nicaea,/and/the/Election of 1912./The Conference Workshop on Friday night will focus on active learning: both how to "up your game," and ways to bring active practices to non-game classes. In addition to the game and active learning workshops, Leah L. Carmichael, the new Director of Active Learning at UGA, will give the keynote address./The event organizers have also including expanded breaks and social blocks to allow time to connect with colleagues outside of the context of your game roles. Apply no later than Monday, January 8th, 2024.
Application Deadline: Monday, January 8, 2024
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) Annual Meeting
- Washington, DC
- January 17–19, 2024
- Award Amount: Up to $2,000
In a pervasive post-truth media culture, false narratives about higher education quickly gain traction and shape public perceptions. These narratives simultaneously fuel and are fed by burgeoning efforts to bring higher education under the control of partisan politics. How can we break through to defend academic freedom, demonstrate the value of a liberal education, or recover the understanding of higher education as a public good? The rapid progress of artificial intelligence and other new technologies drives profound economic and social transformation. How can these new technologies be harnessed to advance the academic enterprise, and how can we prepare our students for a world being transformed by them?
Join colleagues and thought leaders from across the global higher education landscape to shape and share solutions to these and other challenges facing colleges and universities. The 2024 Annual Meeting will feature inspiring and insightful plenaries, opportunities to network with peers across institutional types, and a full community-generated program showcasing successful models of institutional transformation and best practices for promoting equity, innovation, and excellence in liberal education. Apply no later than January 8, 2024.
Application Deadline: January 8, 2024.
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
Lilly Conferences (2023-2024)
Various Dates
- Various Locations including Oxford, OH – Austin, TX – San Diego, CA – Asheville, NC
- Award Amount: up to $3000
- Application Deadline: April 30, 2024
- 5 faculty spots available
For 40 years, Lilly Conferences have provided opportunities for the presentation of the scholarship of teaching and learning. Conference participants are made up of faculty and administrators at various stages in their academic careers that come from across the world representing nearly every discipline found in higher education.
The Lilly Conference welcomes all participants who share an interest in improving college teaching through evidence-based practices, including faculty and administrators at universities, four-year colleges, and two-year colleges who wish to increase student learning through effective teaching, promote interest in and enthusiasm for the profession of teaching, and facilitate communication among faculty about their classroom and online experiences.
All faculty (tenure-track, tenured, affiliate, visiting, and adjunct) are eligible to apply.
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
Principles of Effective College Teaching
Magna Self-Paced
Virtual, self-paced, 10-hour course
- Award Amount: $329
- Application Deadline: None, apply at any time.
- 20 spots available
Delivered in a modular format, this 10-hour course is presented by James M. Lang, PhD, acclaimed scholar and author. It is designed for asynchronous learning so you can complete it at your own pace. Grounded in research-based best practices, Principles of Effective College Teaching will first introduce you to fundamental principles of human learning that will guide you as you create and teach your courses. From there, Lang will explain in detail how you can:
- Craft meaningful learning objectives using Bloom's Taxonomy
- Manage course content efficiently
- Create assignments that support course objectives
- Develop assessment plans and design exams
- Provide effective feedback and evaluations
- Enhance learning outcomes through the use of technology and new media
- Apply active learning strategies
- Keep your students motivated and engaged
- Facilitate peer-to-peer learning
- Manage difficult issues like academic dishonesty and distracted students
Learning checks at regular intervals help affirm your understanding of the course content. You'll also appreciate the extensive supplemental materials included with the course: readings, handouts, full transcripts and links to online resources.
NOTE: The target audience is faculty within their first three years of teaching, but others are encourages to participate.
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
ACUE Evidence-Based Teaching Practices
- Award Amount: $675 per course
- Application Deadline: Rolling
For the past several years, the Pew FTLC has sponsored faculty engagement with online courses in evidence-based teaching practices offered by the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE). Cohorts of GV faculty have taken 6-32 week courses on a range of topics. This new grant opportunity supports individual faculty interested in participating in an upcoming open enrollment courses being offered by ACUE. Offerings of 6-week special topic courses include:
Creating and Inclusive and Supportive Learning Environment
Promoting Active Learning
Inspiring Inquiry and Preparing Lifelong Learners
Designing Learner-Centered and Equitable Courses
Fostering a Culture of Belonging
Offerings begin throughout the year. The ACUE website provides additional details, FAQs and dates for future offerings.
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
OLC Workshop Sponsored Grant
Various Topics and Virtual
Workshops Available
No Deadline--Open Year-Round
- Award Amount: $170
- Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted year round until funds are depleted.
- Limited seats available each academic year
The OLC Workshop Sponsored Grant supports faculty enrollment in online courses offered by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Courses related to digital learning and online/hybrid course design are offered throughout the year. The immersive programs are expert-developed and designed to improve quality in every facet of online education.
Grand Valley State University has an institutional level membership in the OLC and the workshops are a smart and cost effective way to support your continuing professional development. These workshops are a $270 value and the Pew FTLC is able to purchase these course for faculty for $170/seat. We have a limited number of seats available in the workshops which range in length from 10 days to three weeks, and provide opportunities to interact with faculty from a wide variety of institutions. The offerings are designed as online classes so that you may also experience being an online learner. Certificates are issues upon timely completion of all coursework.
Faculty who are interested in participating in OLC workshops should review the list of available topics at
All faculty (tenure-track, tenured, affiliate, visiting, and adjunct) are eligible to apply.
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
Lilly Conference-Traverse City, MI
- October 11-13, 2023
- Traverse City, MI
- Award Amount: up to $2000
- 15 spots available
Lilly-Traverse City is a part of the overall Lilly Conference Series. For nearly 40 years, Lilly Conferences on College and University Teaching and Learning have provided opportunities for the presentation of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Faculty and administrators at various stages in their academic careers come from across the United States, representing nearly every discipline found in higher education. Visit the Lilly Conference Traverse City webpage for more information.
NOTE: Preference given to first-time conference attendees. This conference is ideal for early, mid-, or late-career faculty relatively new to the scholarship of teaching and learning. This grant supports the full cost of attendance and therefore additional CSCE funds should not be sought.
Application Deadline: May 12, 2023
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
The award amount reflects the anticipated total cost of attendance. Additional expenses above the award amount, including any pre-conference workshops or add-on events, are the responsibility of the participant.
Educational Technology Organization of Michigan (ETOM)
- Friday, October 27, 2023
- Schoolcraft College, Livonia MI
- Award Amount: up to $600
- 10 faculty spots available
The keynote speaker, Dr. Jeff Borden, Education 3.0: It’s Way More Than Just AI
Please join a former chief innovation officer, a man who has witnessed thousands of initiatives (most of which failed) across global higher education, an efficacy researcher and 25 year college professor to unpack what neo-millennial learning and assessment can and should be. Discover some old procedures, embedded deeply in the educational DNA that need to go. Discover how new tools like GPT-4 and proximal video can fundamentally shift us away from the Web 2.0 mantra of create-consume-remix-and-share to a Web 3.0 framework for education that fosters a decentralized, open, and intelligent structure for students. From game changers based on cognitive science to best practices found in education psychology and support for it all through technology platforms and frameworks, attendees will have a better understanding of how to make tomorrow’s learning start happening today as we build Education 3.0. More details on the keynote and conference are available on the Event Page.
Application Deadline: Friday, October 20, 2023
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
The award amount reflects the anticipated total cost of attendance. Additional expenses above the award amount, including any pre-conference workshops or add-on events, are the responsibility of the participant.
Faculty Success Program (NCFDD)
- January 22—March 31, 2024
- Virtual
- Award Amount: $4150 Registration Fee
- 4 spots available
A 12-week intensive virtual mentoring program designed to increase writing productivity and retention, as well as build community among under-represented faculty. The program includes weekly modules, small-group accountability calls, private coaching, and access to an online community.
NOTE: Preference given to tenure-track faculty in years 1-3 at GVSU.
Application Deadline: Friday, October 6, 2023
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
The award amount reflects the anticipated total cost of attendance. Additional expenses above the award amount, including any pre-conference workshops or add-on events, are the responsibility of the participant.
2022-2023 Sponsored Teaching and Learning Events
GVSU Cohort Professional Certification in College Student
Wellbeing, Trauma, and Resilience
online at Florida
State University
Spring/Summer 2023
Were you thinking about spending time this summer doing some
professional development?
Course Description sample topics:
- Enhancing your professional knowledge, skills, related to student mental health and wellness
- Gaining a transformative understanding of how trauma can affect the developing brain, interfere with learning, and impact student success.
- Learning powerful new principles of trauma-informed approaches applied to the higher education setting.
- Understanding resilience and how campuses can play a role in building more resilient students.
- Acquiring tools to avoid secondary traumatization.
Eligibility: Faculty of all ranks and staff who are invested in this learning.
Important Dates:
Application Deadline: Friday, April 28, 2023
In-person dates/Locations: May 2 –
Noon (lunch), 1-5PM – Meeting, JHZ 3000, Allendale Campus
June 28 – Noon (lunch), 1-5PM – Meeting,
SCB Loosemore Forum Room, SCB 1008, DeVos Downtown Campus
Cohort Activities: May 2 through June 28
To Apply for Sponsorship:
Submit an application by Friday, April 28, indicating: a) your
goals for participating b) how this training will impact your
work/teaching. Applicants will be notified of their selection status
by May 1. There is a limited opportunity to participate in the cohort
using Pew FTLC funding, otherwise professional development funds may
be used (approx. $315). Please direct any questions to the Pew FTLC,
Complete this form by Friday, April 28, indicating your: a) goals
for participating b) interest in terms of application in your work.
Applicants will be notified of their selection status by May 1. In
advance of filling out the form, please speak to your supervisor about
the opportunity to use your unit’s professional development funds
(estimated expense is $300-315 per person). Please direct any
questions to Kate Harmon, Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs,
Well-being and Inclusion at
Teaching Toolkit Program (NCFDD)
July 17–
August 11, 2023
- Award Amount: $495
- Application Deadline: May 1, 2023
- 20 spots available
Offered through one of our partner organizations, the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity, the Teaching Toolkit Program supports the design, refresh or launch of a new course. This four-week program is applicable for early career faculty (who are relatively new to teaching) through late-career faculty (interested in more resources to supplement their teaching). Key teaching topics addressed include: (a) structuring courses, (b) efficient and effective grading, (c) preparing for and facilitating engaging, inclusive classes, and (d) time management techniques.
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
Principles of Effective College Teaching
Magna Self-Paced
Virtual, self-paced, 10-hour course
- Award Amount: $329
- Application Deadline: None, apply at any time.
- 20 spots available
Delivered in a modular format, this 10-hour course is presented by James M. Lang, PhD, acclaimed scholar and author. It is designed for asynchronous learning so you can complete it at your own pace. Grounded in research-based best practices, Principles of Effective College Teaching will first introduce you to fundamental principles of human learning that will guide you as you create and teach your courses. From there, Lang will explain in detail how you can:
- Craft meaningful learning objectives using Bloom's Taxonomy
- Manage course content efficiently
- Create assignments that support course objectives
- Develop assessment plans and design exams
- Provide effective feedback and evaluations
- Enhance learning outcomes through the use of technology and new media
- Apply active learning strategies
- Keep your students motivated and engaged
- Facilitate peer-to-peer learning
- Manage difficult issues like academic dishonesty and distracted students
Learning checks at regular intervals help affirm your understanding of the course content. You'll also appreciate the extensive supplemental materials included with the course: readings, handouts, full transcripts and links to online resources.
NOTE: This grant is intended for instructors within their first three years of teaching at GVSU.
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
ACUE Evidence-Based Teaching Practices
- Award Amount: $600 per course
- Application Deadline: Rolling
For the past several years, the Pew FTLC has sponsored faculty engagement with online courses in evidence-based teaching practices offered by the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE). Cohorts of GV faculty have taken 6-32 week courses on a range of topics. This new grant opportunity supports individual faculty interested in participating in an upcoming open enrollment courses being offered by ACUE. Offerings of 6-week special topic courses include:
Creating and Inclusive and Supportive Learning Environment
Promoting Active Learning
Inspiring Inquiry and Preparing Lifelong Learners
Designing Learner-Centered and Equitable Courses
Fostering a Culture of Belonging
Offerings begin throughout the year. The ACUE website provides additional details, FAQs and dates for future offerings.
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
OLC Workshop Sponsored Grant
Various Topics and Virtual
Workshops Available
No Deadline--Open Year-Round
- Award Amount: $170
- Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted year round until funds are depleted.
- Limited seats available each academic year
The OLC Workshop Sponsored Grant supports faculty enrollment in online courses offered by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Courses related to digital learning and online/hybrid course design are offered throughout the year. The immersive programs are expert-developed and designed to improve quality in every facet of online education.
Grand Valley State University has an institutional level membership in the OLC and the workshops are a smart and cost effective way to support your continuing professional development. These workshops are a $270 value and the Pew FTLC is able to purchase these course for faculty for $170/seat. We have a limited number of seats available in the workshops which range in length from 10 days to three weeks, and provide opportunities to interact with faculty from a wide variety of institutions. The offerings are designed as online classes so that you may also experience being an online learner. Certificates are issues upon timely completion of all coursework.
Faculty who are interested in participating in OLC workshops should review the list of available topics at
All faculty (tenure-track, tenured, affiliate, visiting, and adjunct) are eligible to apply.
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
Lilly Conference-Traverse City, MI
- October 11-13, 2023
- Traverse City, MI
- Award Amount: up to $2000
- 15 spots available
Lilly-Traverse City is a part of the overall Lilly Conference Series. For nearly 40 years, Lilly Conferences on College and University Teaching and Learning have provided opportunities for the presentation of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Faculty and administrators at various stages in their academic careers come from across the United States, representing nearly every discipline found in higher education. Visit the Lilly Conference Traverse City webpage for more information.
NOTE: Preference given to first-time conference attendees. This conference is ideal for early, mid-, or late-career faculty relatively new to the scholarship of teaching and learning. This grant supports the full cost of attendance and therefore additional CSCE funds should not be sought.
Application Deadline: May 12, 2023
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
The award amount reflects the anticipated total cost of attendance. Additional expenses above the award amount, including any pre-conference workshops or add-on events, are the responsibility of the participant.
Best Teachers Institute
Remote (Zoom)
June 14-16, 2023
- Award Amount: $595
- Application Deadline: March 30, 2023
- 5 spots available
Led by Ken Bain (What the Best College Teachers Do) and James Lang (Distracted), and Eric Mazur, this online workshop focuses on creating “super courses” (Bain) and “small teaching” (Lang).
The Teaching Professor Conference
New Orleans, LA
9–11, 2023
- Award Amount: Up to $1800
- Application Deadline: March 1, 2023
- 5 spots available
Organized by Magna Publications, this popular conference is for educators in all disciplines. Sessions are offered on a range of timely teaching and learning topics, including engaged teaching, student belonging, assessing student learning, virtual reality, inclusive learning environments, course design, collaborative learning, and more.
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
The award amount reflects the anticipated total cost of attendance. Additional expenses above the award amount, including any pre-conference workshops or add-on events, are the responsibility of the participant.
Reacting to the Past Summer Institute (registration available
Barnard College, New York, NY
June 8–11, 2023
- Award Amount: Up to $1900
- Application Deadline: March 1, 2023
- 5 spots available
Reacting to the Past is a pedagogy of complex role-playing games used in disciplines from STEM to the humanities and more, centering around clashes of ideas from the crisis in democracy in ancient Athens to the collapse of apartheid in South Africa to debates over Title IX in American universities./In order to “win,” students must write effectively, deliver persuasive speeches, read texts closely, collaborate, conduct library research, think critically and creatively, solve problems, and take initiative. RTTP promotes active learning, enhances student engagement, develops multiliteracies, and enlivens classrooms. GVSU is a founding institutional member of the Reacting Consortium thanks to support from CLAS and Brooks College.
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
The award amount reflects the anticipated total cost of attendance. Additional expenses above the award amount, including any pre-conference workshops or add-on events, are the responsibility of the participant.
Faculty Women of Color in the Academy National Conference
Arlington, VA
April 20—23, 2023
- Award Amount: up to $2500
- Application Deadline: Friday, January 27, 2023
6 spots available
In collaboration with the Division of Inclusion and Equity and the Office of the President, we are delighted to once again sponsor a cohort of faculty to attend the Faculty Women of Color in the Academy National Conference. Hosted by Virginia Tech. this year’s event will be held in a new convenient location, the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, VA. From the event website: The Faculty Women of Color in the Academy (FWCA) conference is a unique educational and professional opportunity for indigenous and women of color in higher education to network, engage, and learn with colleagues from around the country. The 11th annual installment of FWCA will feature sessions that will explore the topics of leadership, career advancement, personal well-being and scholar activism. Application Deadline: Friday, January 27th.
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
Transforming Global Learning Practice: Time for Action
AAC&U Conference on Global Learning
Remote (Zoom)
October 12–14, 2022
- Award Amount: up to $330
- 10 spots available
This AAC&U sponsored conference focuses on global learning, with specific emphases on application and on issues highlighted by our current social, economic, and public health landscape, such as the accessibility of global learning opportunities, DEI efforts in global contexts, and global learning opportunities in local settings. The fully online conference spans three-days and features a mix of session types, including dialogues, innovation/ideation sessions, and workshops.
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
Lilly Conference—Traverse City
Traverse City, MI
October 13–15, 2022
- Award Amount: up to $1600
- Application Deadline: September 25, 2022
- 10 spots available
Lilly-Traverse City is a part of the overall Lilly Conference Series. For nearly 40 years, Lilly Conferences on College and University Teaching and Learning have provided opportunities for the presentation of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Faculty and administrators at various stages in their academic careers come from across the United States, representing nearly every discipline found in higher education. Visit the Lilly Conference Traverse City webpage for more information.
NOTE: This grant is intended to support those not presenting at the conference; preference given to first-time conference attendees.
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
CBExchange: Competency-Based Education Network Conference
Amelia Island, FL
October 18–21, 2022
- Award Amount: up to $2800
- Faculty can apply by invitation only
- 6 spots available
This conference is the annual gathering where innovators in education, policy, research, and ed tech meet to share best practices and the latest developments in CBE. Hosted by the Competency-Based Education Network (C-BEN), since 2015, this conference is ideal for those looking to learn more about, develop or implement competency-based learning. Attend this conference in-person OR virtually
NOTE: Faculty can apply by invitation only.
Teaching Professor Online Conference
Remote (Zoom)
October 25–28, 2022 (synchronous)
October 29–December 31, 2022 (asynchronous)
- Award Amount: up to $499
- Application Deadline: October 24, 2022
- 10 spots available
This virtual conference is the latest iteration of the very popular Teaching Professor Conference. This conference is for all educators who teach either in-person or online. Live and on-demand sessions are offered on a range of timely teaching and learning topics, including engaged teaching, student belonging, assessing student learning, virtual reality, inclusive learning environments, course design, collaborative learning, and more.
NOTE: Open to ALL faculty.
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
Educational Technology Organization of Michigan (ETOM)
Grand Valley State University
November 4, 2022
- Award Amount: Registration fee of $115
- Application Deadline: November 3, 2022
- 10 spots available
We are delighted that GVSU will be the site of this year's conference. Held in the Russel H. Kirkhof Center on the Allendale Campus from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., a keynote and breakout sessions will address the conference theme of "Moments." The keynote speaker will be Dr. Tazin Daniels from the University of Michigan, speaking on "Meeting the Moment: Centering equity, inclusion, and care for students during distressing times." Additional details can be found on the conference website.
NOTE: Open to ALL faculty.
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
Original Lilly Conference on Teaching and Learning
November 17–19, 2022
- Award Amount: up to $1800
- Application Deadline: October 10, 2022
- 5 spots available
The Original Lilly Conference on College Teaching is one of the nation's most renowned conferences presenting the scholarship of teaching and learning. For 40 years, teacher-scholars from across the U.S. and internationally have gathered annually the weekend before Thanksgiving to share innovative pedagogies and discuss questions, challenges, and insights about teaching and learning.
The Lilly Conference welcomes all participants who share an interest in improving college teaching through evidence-based practices, including faculty and administrators at universities, four-year colleges, and two-year colleges who wish to increase student learning through effective teaching, promote interest in enthusiasm for the profession of teaching, and facilitate communication among faculty about their classroom and online experiences.
NOTE: Open to ALL faculty.
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
2021-2022 Sponsored Teaching and Learning Events
Developing and Teaching an Online Class
Workshop by Magna Publications
Offered throughout the year.
Start any time!
- Grant Award: $159
- 50 slots available
This course is a completely asynchronous course and can be started at any time.
Learning Goals:
- Articulate the differences between face-to-face and online teaching
- Build and present online courses with confidence
- Create syllabi, assessments, feedback methods, and other classroom tools based on best practices
- Use technology to enhance students' classroom experience and learning outcomes
This course includes ~10 hours of content, activities, worksheets, and additional resources to explore over the one-year access period. The tuition ($159) is covered by the Pew FTLC.
Faculty choosing this option are also expected to reference the quality standards detailed in the Online/Hybrid Course Peer Review Rubric and learn the basic functions of Blackboard, our learning management system. Review Basic Blackboard competencies here.
For faculty planning to teach online and hybrid courses, this course meets the GVSU competency requirement.
Reacting to the Past - Winter Conference
Remote (Zoom)
January 14–16, 2022
- Award Amount: up to $125
- Application Deadline: November 23, 2021
- 10 slots available
Reacting to the Past (RTTP) consists of elaborate role-playing games informed by classic texts in the history of ideas. In order to “win,” students must learn content deeply, write effectively, read closely, speak persuasively, think critically, conduct library research, collaborate, solve problems, and be creative. Class sessions are run entirely by students; instructors advise and guide students and grade their oral and written work. RTTP games are used in numerous disciplines, from STEM to Women’s Studies, and range from Athens 406 BCE to Title IX. See RTTP website, games available, and article in Chronicle of Higher Education (featuring GVSU).
Apply for this grant via the FTLC Grant System.
On Course National Conference
Remote (Zoom)
April 28–29, 2022
- Award Amount: $595
- Application Deadline: March 28, 2022
- 10 slots available
This annual student success conference is of relevance to all faculty, particularly those involved in retention and success initiatives at either department, college, or university level. What drew our attention to the 17th annual offering of this conference were the keynote speakers, topics, intensive half-day sessions, and breakout sessions:
- José Bowen, author of Teaching Naked
- Michelle Miller, author of Minds Online: Teaching Effectively with Technology
- Jonathan Brennan, author of On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life and Engaging Learners through Zoom
- Breakout sessions include “Grading Doesn’t Always Mean Learning,” “Magnificent Mistakes,” “Pedagogy of Love,” and “Happiness and Learning.”
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
25th Annual Best Teachers International
Wilshire Grant Hotel, West Orange, NJ (New York City
June 13–16, 2022
- Award Amount: up to $2500− includes registration and travel expenses
- Application Deadline: March 28, 2022
- 5 slots available
A three-day institute based on Ken Bain's award-winning and best-selling book What the Best College Teachers Do (Harvard University Press, 2004), James Lang's highly lauded instant classic Small Teaching (Jossey-Bass, 2016), and Ken and Marsha Bain's new book, Super Courses: The Future of Teaching and Learning. This Year's program will also feature Eric Mazur (Physics, Harvard), Kelly Hogan (biology, University of North Carolina), Viji Sathy (psychology, University of North Carolina), and Charlie Cannon (design, Rhode Island School of Design). The team has also planned a robust virtual alternative, should conditions warrant transitioning the program to an online format.
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
Teaching Professor Conference
Atlanta, GA
June 3–5, 2022
- Award Amount: up to $2000− includes registration and travel expenses
- Application Deadline: April 18, 2022
- 10 slots available
This large conference focuses squarely on teaching is of interest to new and experienced faculty of any discipline. Here are a few highlights:
- Plenary with Tracie Marcella Addy, Inclusive Teaching: A Pathway towards Liberation in Higher Education
- Plenary with Stephen Brookfield, You Do This Imperfectly or Not At All: The Dynamics of Teaching Race
- Concurrent sessions and preconference workshops in tracks such as:
- Student engagement
- Assessing learning
- Online teaching and learning
- diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Teaching in the health sciences
- Teaching specific student populations
- Instructional Vitality
Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System.
REMOTE: The Connected Faculty Summit—Maximizing Success for
Virtual (Zoom)
June 8–9, 2022
Award Amount: FREE conference
On June 8 and 9, 2022, REMOTE: The Connected Faculty Summit—Maximizing Success for Learners hosted by Arizona State University will feature frontline faculty and decision makers from global universities and colleges who will share highly relevant strategies and interventions for all learning modalities—classroom, blended/hybrid, and online. REMOTE helps to design and deliver the best possible experiences and outcomes for teachers and learners—from learner variability, adaptative learning, to effective use of tools and equitable use of digital learning.
Attendees can access 80+ curated sessions of 30 minutes during two 4-hour days of simultaneous learning tracks. This FREE virtual conference will gather leading educators with extensive practical online and blending teaching and learning experience to present immediately useful and evidence-backed practices on both subject-specific and general online teaching techniques.
Visit the REMOTE: The Connected Faculty Summit conference website for details about this free virtual event, including a registration link.
Reacting to the Past: R
enewal — Summer 2022 Conference
Bolder, CO
June 13–16, 2022
- Award Amount: $2500
- Application Deadline: May 31, 2022
- 5 slots available
Reacting to the Past (RTTP) consists of elaborate role-playing games informed by classic texts in the history of ideas. In order to “win,” students must learn content deeply, write effectively, read closely, speak persuasively, think critically, conduct library research, collaborate, solve problems, and be creative. Class sessions are run entirely by students; instructors advise and guide students and grade their oral and written work. RTTP games are used in numerous disciplines, from STEM to Women’s Studies, and range from Athens 406 BCE to Title IX.
The theme for this conference is Renewal in honor of a return to face-to-face learning (with precautions of course). Attendees can choose from two different games out of seven, or opt for a special workshop track aimed at preparing newbies to teach with Reacting.
Apply for this grant via the FTLC Grant System. Applications will be approved on a rolling basis.
2020-2021 Sponsored Teaching & Learning Events
Developing and Teaching an Online Class
Workshop by Magna Publications
Offered throughout the year.
Start any time!
- Grant Award: $159
- 100 slots available
This course is a completely asynchronous course and can be started at any time.
Learning Goals:
- Articulate the differences between face-to-face and online teaching
- Build and present online courses with confidence
- Create syllabi, assessments, feedback methods, and other classroom tools based on best practices
- Use technology to enhance students' classroom experience and learning outcomes
This course includes ~10 hours of content, activities, worksheets, and additional resources to explore over the one-year access period. The tuition ($159) is covered by the Pew FTLC.
Faculty choosing this option are also expected to reference the quality standards detailed in the Online/Hybrid Course Peer Review Rubric and learn the basic functions of Blackboard, our learning management system. Review Basic Blackboard competencies here.
For faculty planning to teach online and hybrid courses, this course meets the GVSU competency requirement.
Faculty Women of Color in the Academy Virtual National
April 9–11, 2021
This conference provides a unique educational and professional opportunity for indigenous and women of color in higher education to network, engage, and learn with colleagues from around the country. Conference sessions explore topics of leadership, career advancement, personal well-being and scholar activism.
On Friday, the exciting program includes a pre-conference writing retreat, kick-off Healing Hour and a pre-conference networking event. On Saturday, live workshops will be held during the morning alongside live conversations with our keynotes and leadership panelists during the afternoon. On Sunday, we encourage all participants to explore the pre-recorded sessions to remain "in community" and "in conversation" on the discussion boards and social media.
This year's conference features:
- A pre-conference Academic Writing Retreat on April 9th
- Keynote speakers Dr. Bettina Love & Dr. France Córdova
- A University President's Panel to include: Dr. Ana Mari Cauce, Dr. Fancine McNairy, and Dr. Astrid Tuminez
- Personal Wellness sessions led by Angela's Pulse
- Thought-provoking and interactive workshops
- Virtual networking sessions
- The Zenobia Lawrence Hikes Women of Color in the Academy Award
The deadline to apply is Feb. 28, 2021.
FTLC funding is limited by the Division of Inclusion and Equity is accepting applicants.
The Division of Inclusion and Equity would like to expend the opportunity to attend this year's virtual Faculty Women of Color in the Academy National Conference. Information about the conference is listed below. If you would like to attend, the Division of Inclusion and Equity will cover the registration cost; simply complete the individual registration link below no later than February 28, 2021. When registering, select "invoice" on the billing page and forward the invoice to Connie Wiers ( GVSU has supported many women faculty of color in attending this conference in previous years and the feedback has been positive.
Registration Link
Lilly Conference—Traverse City, MI
- October 15—17, 2020
- Traverse City, MI
- Award Amount: $625—Includes funding for the essential registration fee (prepaid by the Pew FTLC) and not the pre-conference workshop ($475) and travel/meal expenses ($150)
Lilly-Traverse City is a part of the overall Lilly Conference Series. For nearly 40 years, Lilly Conferences on College and University Teaching and Learning have provided opportunities for the presentation of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Faculty and administrators at various stages in their academic careers come from across the United States, representing nearly every discipline found in higher education. Visit the Lilly Conference Traverse City webpage for more information.
NOTE: This grant is intended to support first-time conference attendees and preference will be given to faculty attending the conference in partnership with another departmental colleague or GV faculty collaborator. Application deadline: April 30, 2020.
Best Teachers 24th Annual Institute Online Interactive
Saturday Seminar Series
"Creating Super Courses in Class,
Online or Anywhere Without Losing Your Mind"
January 16—May
15, 2021
from 1:00-3:00 p.m. EST
- Grant Award: $150 (includes course and copy of Ken Bain’s book released in March 2021, “Super Courses: The Future of Teaching and Learning”.)
Workshop Description: Meet and work with people from around the world who will be engaged in this research-based re-invention of teaching and learning. Our work together will produce highly inventive and effective deep learning Super Courses, capable of stimulating unparalleled commitment, learning and growth—transforming an entire school or department. Some people will design courses that will be offered online; others, on campus; and still others in the field. Some will focus within a single discipline; others will be problem-based multi-disciplinary offerings. This is the most ambitious endeavor we have devised in the 24-year history of the Best Teachers Institute. It will be led by our distinguished teaching faculty members, including Eric Mazur (Harvard); Mindy Maris (NIH-Johns Hopkins); Ken Bain (BTI); Jeanette Norden (Vanderbilt); James Lang (Assumption); Andy Kaufman (UVA); Charlie Cannon (RISD); Joe Le Doux (Georgia Tech); Robert Kamei (NUS); Dan Rothstein, Luz Santana, and Andrew P. Minigan (Right Question Institute); Kate Walker (Booker T. Washington School for the Performing and Visual Arts) and others.
Up to 16 sessions; six core sessions and ten bonus sessions. All sessions are recorded for future viewing.
Deadline for Registration: October 15, 2020
This six-week online course is designed to provide participants with the experience of being an online student while introducing them to the pedagogical and technical issues of online teaching. While participants may want to adapt their teaching materials and methods to a completely online delivery, this course is also suitable for those wishing to move only parts of their courses online (e.g. hybrid). The course focuses on four main areas: orientation to online teaching and learning, designing an online course, constructing an online course and managing and supporting an online course. Participants will follow a design process that will help them plan their online instruction for maximum effectiveness. While participants master the basic Blackboard tools, the course will focus on online teaching. Further details can be found on the course site. The tuition will be covered by the Pew FTLC for a small cohort of GVSU faculty. Faculty must submit an application by following the link below or by contacting us for approval before registering for the workshop. Availability is limited.
Summer 2021, Cohort 1: May 10–June 20
Summer 2021,
Cohort 2: July 5–August 10
The Humanity of Inclusive Practices: Teaching & Learning
Academy Mini Course
Virtual/Online Conference by the Gardner
July 6—13, 2020
Synchronous sessions on July 6, 8,
10, & 13 from 1pm—3:30pm EST
- Grant award: $75 (cost of registration
- 20 slots available
This course is designed to provide faculty, from across disciplines, with an opportunity to develop a plan to apply broadly applicable practices for inclusive approaches to their gateway course(s). The course centralizes the importance and primacy of inclusive human dialogue as the philosophy that undergirds equitable classrooms. Through a unique approach, including synchronous and asynchronous modules, participants will have multiple opportunities to increase their personal understanding of and commitment to equity-based teaching practices. During these pivotal and uncertain times, it is useful to revisit ways in which we can empower ourselves and our students to be agents of change.
As part of this course, participants will:
- Identify and develop a plan to apply anti-racist and inclusive instruction in gateway courses
- Write an actionable teaching statement that centralizes self in dialogic teaching
- Design mechanisms to assess equity-based teaching practices
All faculty are eligible.
Application deadline: Applications will be approved on a rolling basis until Thursday, July 2, 2020.
SpeakOut—The Summer Institute: A Virtual Institute on Building
Equity and Social Justice Education to Create Inclusive Learning
Environments on Campus and Online
Online/Virtual Institute by
July 13—16, 2020
- Grant Award: $54 (cost of registration and fees)
- 20 slots available
SpeakOut's mission is to encourage critical and imaginative thinking to address the major inequities of our day and transform a fractured world. Their network of speakers, artists, and strategic partners provide experiential learning opportunities through lectures, workshops film screenings, performances, consulting and professional development.
The Summer Institute: A Virtual Institute on Building Equity and Social Justice Education to Create Inclusive Learning Environments on Campus and Online will focus on the impact of the nationwide demand for systemic change and campus adaptations to the COVID-19 pandemic to Higher Education. Specifically, how can those of us working in the arena of Higher Education transform our institutions and learning environments in support of these efforts? This SpeakOut Summer Institute will delve into equity education pedagogy, models, and tolls for dynamic on-campus and online learning.
Featured speakers and presenters include: Amer Ahmed, DEI Strategist & Consultant, Shakti Butler, Founder of World Trust Education Services, Laura Rendón, Education Theorist, Nolan Cabrera, Whiteness Expert & Author, Tim Wise, Anti-Racism Activist & Writer, and more!
All faculty are eligible.
Application deadline: Applications will be approved on a rolling basis until Thursday, July 9, 2020.
Teaching Online: An Introduction to Online Delivery
Quality Matters
Virtual (Complete ONLINE)
July 16—30, 2020
- Grant Award: $200
- 25 slots available
A special GVSU section is being offered by Quality Matters from July 16—30, 2020.
Learning Objectives:
- Apply best practices in teaching and learning in an online learning environment
- Explain the role of the instructor in an online learning environment
- Explain the learner's role in online learning
- Develop a resource to help learners be successful in the role of an online learner
- Explain the importance of orienting learners to online learning
- List methods of engaging and motivating learners in an online course
- Explain the importance of instructor interaction and timely feedback in online courses
- Determine appropriate instructor interaction and feedback in online courses
- List best practices for facilitating discussion boards
- Create a discussion board rubric for assessing learner participation in discussion boards
- Align assessment methods with learning objectives or competencies
The instructor-facilitated, asynchronous course takes place over two weeks, requiring 10 to 12 hours of time per week to spend on achieving the learning objectives. The tuition ($200) is covered by the Pew FTLC.
Faculty choosing this option are also expected to reference the quality standards detailed in the Online/Hybrid Course Peer Review Rubric and learn the basic functions of Blackboard, our learning management system. Review Basic Blackboard competencies here.
For faculty planning to teach online and hybrid courses, this course meets the GVSU competency requirement.
Distance Teaching and Learning Conference
- August 3—7, 2020
- Online/Virtual
- Award Amount: $495
This conference brings together attendees ranging from experienced practitioners to new online educators, representing organizations from all regions of the United States and several other countries. The annual conference features over 120 concurrent sessions, keynote presentations, digital resources, and some meal. While the keynote speakers have yet to be announced, based on feedback from GV who have attended 9and presented) at this conference in the past, it is sure to be a great lineup of experts. Visit the Distance Teaching and Learning Conference webpage for more information.
Open to all faculty. Application deadline: Thursday, July
30, 2020.
Apply via our Online Grants System.
Teaching Online: An Introduction to Online Delivery
Quality Matters
Virtual (Completely ONLINE)
July 16—30, 2020
- Grant Award: $200
- 25 slots available
A special GVSU section is being offered by Quality Matters from July 16—30, 2020.
Learning Objectives:
- Apply best practices in teaching and learning in an online learning environment
- Explain the role of the instructor in an online learning environment
- Explain the learner's role in online learning
- Develop a resource to help learners be successful in the role of an online learner
- Explain the importance of orienting learners to online learning
- List methods of engaging and motivating learners in an online course
- Explain the importance of instructor interaction and timely feedback in online courses
- Determine appropriate instructor interaction and feedback in online courses
- List best practices for facilitating discussion boards
- Create a discussion board rubric for assessing learner participation in discussion boards
- Align assessment methods with learning objectives or competencies
The instructor-facilitated, asynchronous course takes place over two weeks, requiring 10 to 12 hours of time per week to spend on achieving the learning objectives. The tuition ($200) is covered by the Pew FTLC.
Faculty choosing this option are also expected to reference the quality standards detailed in the Online/Hybrid Course Peer Review Rubric and learn the basic functions of Blackboard, our learning management system. Review Basic Blackboard competencies here.
For faculty planning to teach online and hybrid courses, this course meets the GVSU competency requirement.
2019-2020 Sponsored Teaching and Learning Events
- Available year round
- Award Amount: $270 / workshop
OLC Workshops support faculty enrollment in online courses offered by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Courses related to digital learning and online/hybrid course design are offered throughout the year. The immersive programs are expert-developed and designed to improve quality in every facet of online education.
Grand Valley State University has an institutional level membership in the OLC and the workshops are a smart and cost effective way to support your continuing professional development. We have a limited number of seats available in the workshops which range in length from 10 days to three weeks, and provide opportunities to interact with faculty from a wide variety of institutions. The offerings are designed as online classes so that you may also experience being an online learner. Certificates are issued upon timely completion of all coursework.
Faculty who are interested in participating in OLC workshops should review the list of available topics at and include the names and dates of the requested workshops in the sponsored event application.
Developing and Teaching an Online Class
Magna Publications
Offered throughout the year. Start at any time!
- Grant Award: $159
- 100 slots available
This course is completely asynchronous course can be started at any time.
Learning Goals:
- Articulate the differences between face-to-face and online teaching
- Build and present online courses with confidence
- Create syllabi, assessments, feedback methods, and other classroom tools based on best practices
- Use technology to enhance students’ classroom experience and learning outcomes
This course includes ~10 hours of content, activities, worksheets, and additional resources to explore over the one-year access period. The tuition ($159) is covered by the Pew FTLC.
Faculty choosing this option are also expected to reference the quality standards detailed in the Online/Hybrid Course Peer Review Rubric and learn the basic functions of Blackboard, our learning management system. Review Basic Blackboard competencies here.
For faculty planning to teach online and hybrid courses, this course meets the GVSU competency requirement.
Teaching Online: An Introduction to Online Delivery
Quality Matters
Virtual (Complete ONLINE)
- May 18—29, 2020
- Grant Award: $200
- 20 slots available
A special GVSU section is being offered by Quality Matters from May 18-29, 2020.
Learning Objectives:
- Apply best practices in teaching and learning in an online learning environment
- Explain the role of the instructor in an online learning environment
- Explain the learner’s role in online learning
- Develop a resource to help learners be successful in the role of an online learner
- Explain the importance of orienting learners to online learning
- List methods of engaging and motivating learners in an online course
- Explain the importance of instructor interaction and timely feedback in online courses
- Determine appropriate instructor interaction and feedback in online courses
- List best practices for facilitating discussion boards
- Create a discussion board rubric for assessing learner participation in discussion boards
- Align assessment methods with learning objectives or competencies
This instructor-facilitated, asynchronous course takes place over two weeks, requiring 10 to 12 hours of time per week to spend on achieving the learning objectives. The tuition ($200) is covered by the Pew FTLC.
Faculty choosing this option are also expected to reference the quality standards detailed in the Online/Hybrid Course Peer Review Rubric and learn the basic functions of Blackboard, our learning management system. Review Basic Blackboard competencies here.
For faculty planning to teach online and hybrid courses, this course meets the GVSU competency requirement.
The Teaching Professor VIRTUAL CONFERENCE
CONFERENCE (entirely online)
Magna Publishing
- May 29—31, 2020
- 10 slots available
The Teaching Professor Conference has gone virtual. Apply now for this grant!
Participants will have live access to Friday evenings plenary session on the science of teaching, and Sunday morning's session on student engagement. Then, within 24 hours of the conference's conclusion, you will receive on-demand access to 36 concurrent sessions you can enjoy anytime, anywhere, through September 30, 2020. There are sessions on a wealth of topics drawn from five of the conference's key tracks: course preparation, learning assessment, student engagement, teaching technology, and online teaching and learning. You'll gain valuable insights and use-them-now ideas in sessions on competency-based grading, academic freedom in class discussions, creating community online, using backward design to create courses, rubric-guided peer assessments, and more. Open to all faculty.
Application deadline: May 1, 2020.
Intercultural Development Inventory—Qualified
Administrator Online Training Seminar
- May—October 2020
- Grant Award: Up to $1600–must complete entire seminar to become licensed
- 4 Spots Available
The Intercultural Development Inventory® (IDI®) is a cross-cultural assessment of intercultural competence that can be used by individuals, units, and colleges to build intercultural competence to achieve diversity and inclusion goals and outcomes. These outcomes can include course and curriculum development, program assessment, or individual and leadership development in both faculty and students. In contrast to many “personal characteristic” instruments, the IDI is a cross-culturally valid, reliable, and generalizable measure of intercultural competence along the validated intercultural development continuum.
Faculty who participate in a qualifying seminar become trained and licensed as an IDI Qualified Administrator who can facilitate use of the IDI on campus. The Online IDI QS will be presented by an experienced, licensed IDI Qualified Administrator in three sessions (4.5 hours each) across three days (one session per day). The QS is hosted on Zoom with each registered participant being sent information to access the event on the scheduled date and time. During the seminar, participants will:
- Gain proficiency in using the IDI for increasing intercultural competence for individuals, teams, and organizations
- Learn how the IDI differs from traditional measures of intercultural competence
- Learn how to interpret individual and group IDI profiles of intercultural competence
- Practice giving IDI Profile Report debriefs in supportive role-play scenarios
- Receive introductory training to use the Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory®
This opportunity is open to all Tenure-Track and Affiliate faculty, with preference given to those in units or colleges currently using or planning to use the IDI for course/curriculum development or assessment. For a list of upcoming seminars
Application Deadline: May 1, 2020
23rd Annual Best Teachers Summer Institute
Wilshire Grand
Hotel, West Orange, NJ (New York City area)
- June 15-18, 2020
- Award Amount: up to $2400 — includes registration and travel expenses
- 4 slots available
A three-and-a-half-day international summer institute based on Ken Bain's award-winning and best-selling book What the Best College Teachers Do and James Lang's highly lauded instant classic Small Teaching. This year's program will also feature Eric Mazur, Harvard Physics Professor who won the prestigious Minerva Prize for his contributions to teaching and learning; Mindy Maris, a brilliant new contributor to the international dialogue on teaching and learning; and ideas from Ken Bain's book What the Best College Students Do and his forthcoming Super Courses (Princeton University Press, 2020). The program will model the ‘flipped classroom,’ approach with pre-institute reading opportunities using Perusall (developed at Harvard as the “world's only truly social e-reader”).
This opportunity is limited to faculty holding the rank of Associate Professor or Full Professor. Application Deadline: Friday, November 15, 2019.
Visit the 23rd Annual Best Teachers Summer Institute webpage for more information.
Wakonse Conference on College Teaching
Camp Miniwanca
Shelby, MI
- May 21-26, 2020
- Award Amount: Up to $900 – includes registration, lodging, meals and travel expenses
- 4 slots available
We have received a special invitation to participate in the 2020 Wakonse Conference on College Teaching. Organized by the University of Missouri and taking place at a camp in northwest Michigan each year since 1990, the event brings “good teachers together to learn from one another in a supportive environment where they can rekindle the spirit for teaching.” This event represents a unique opportunity and we are delighted to support up to four faculty to join ~80 others from institutions in Missouri, Indiana, and Michigan. From the conference website:
“The Wakonse Fellowship brings together faculty, teaching and learning professionals from postsecondary institutions who recognize and are devoted to the inspirational aspect of the teaching and learning process. We take everyone away from campus, from their phones, from offices and professional obligations. We prepare full days of workshop activities exploring teaching through highly interactive large and small group presentations, discussion groups and hands-on experiential sessions.”
Unlike some of the retreats that the Pew FTLC has organized, this week-long conference immerses participants in a technology-free zone to learn, share, and contribute in creative ways. Read more about the accommodations and expectations and the program on the event website. This opportunity is limited to faculty holding the rank of Associate Professor or Full Professor. Application Deadline: Friday, March 20, 2020.
2020 Annual Faculty Women of Color in the Academy National Conference
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
- Apr 19-21, 2020
- Grant Award: Up to $1500 – includes registration and travel expenses
- 3 Slots Available
The 8th annual FWCA conference offers women of color faculty, university administrators, post-doctoral fellows, and graduate students a unique educational and professional opportunity to network, engage, and learn with peers from around the country. The two-day conference features prominent women of color scholars as keynote speakers, panelists, performers, and workshop facilitators. This year's speakers are Patricia Hill Collins and Rosann Santos, with performers from Angela's Pulse Performance Project leading embodied reflection and engagement throughout the event. An optional Pre-conference Academic Writing Retreat will take place April 19, 2020. Grand Valley State University is a Silver Level sponsor of the conference this year and as a result, we are pleased to offer complimentary registrations to three faculty, including a pre-conference writing retreat and all travel expenses.
This opportunity is open to all faculty, with preference given to first-time attendees. Application deadline: DEADLINE EXTENDED to Wednesday, December 11, 2019.
Gateway Course Experience Conference
Sheraton Grand Hotel, Chicago, IL
- March 22-24, 2020
- Grant Award: Up to $1,600- includes registration and travel expenses
- 4 Spots Available
The 2020 Gateway Course Experience Conference, organized by the John N. Gardener Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education is coming to Chicago! This conference focuses on student success and, more specifically, pays special attention to sharing evidence-based practices related to high risk gateway courses. The 2020 plenary speakers and session presenters are top notch. The conference website details that participants will: (a) engage in cross-functional discussions about excellence in teaching, faculty development, and curriculum redesign, (b) discover the latest promising practices, (c) explore early warning system, analytics, academic help labs, and other tools/approaches, (d) discuss pre-enrollment placement and preparation strategies, and (e) develop further understanding of the body of knowledge about gateway courses and completion.
This opportunity is open to tenure-track and affiliate faculty who teach introductory or "gateway" courses in their departments. Application Deadline: Friday, February 14, 2020.
2020 Diversity, Equity, and Student Success
Association of
American Colleges and Universities
The Power of Collective
New Orleans, LA
- March 19 - 21, 2020
- Award Amount: up to $1800 — includes registration and travel expenses
- 4 slots available
AAC&U's 2020 Diversity, Equity, and Student Success conference, The Power of Collective Action, will focus on building coalitions and breaking down institutional silos that often have divided and isolated those seeking to build more just and equitable campuses and communities. This conference will be action-oriented and focused on practical strategies for creating institutions that reflect the diverse and equitable society we seek to create. The conference program will be expansive, including diverse voices and ideas by focusing on our interdependency and collective power to challenge the current discourse and policies that promote individualism, isolation, and hatred. These discussions will focus on the historical, social, cultural, and political contexts that continue to shape and reinforce inequities in our systems and structures. For more information about the conference, visit the AAC&U website.
This opportunity is open to all faculty, with preference given to those currently serving on the Equity and Inclusion Committee, those who have participated in a past Inclusive Excellence Teaching Institute., and first time attendees. Application deadline: Friday, November 8, 2019.
Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) Annual Meeting
Washington, DC
Jan 22-25, 2020
Grant Award: Up to
$2000 – includes registration and travel expenses
The theme of the 2020 AAC&U Annual Meeting is “Shaping the Future of Higher Education: An Invitation to Lead” and will showcase equitable, innovative, and cost-effective models for providing today’s students with a strong, relevant, and inclusive liberal education. Keynote presentations and concurrent sessions will highlight the development and implementation of the high-impact educational practices, inclusive pedagogies, authentic forms of assessment, and pathways to student success that are transforming student learning at two- and four-year institutions, across disciplines and majors, and across institutional types—and shaping the future of higher education.
For those new to this conference, a full-day pre-meeting symposium, pre-meeting workshops, special topic luncheons are available for fees beyond the conference registration cost. This Sponsored Teaching and Learning Event grant has been designed to support a limited number of these optional events, depending on the interests and schedules of individual faculty. We encourage everyone to consider the “Learning to Thrive: The Invisible Skills That Foster Student Success” January 22 pre-meeting symposium.
This opportunity is available by invitation only and the application deadline is November 15. Grand Valley State University, as a member institution, enjoys the early registration member rate as well as a team discount.
Educational Technology Organization of Michigan
Grand Valley State University
Allendale, MI
- November 8, 2019
- Award Amount: $80 registration fee
- 10 slots available
The Theme this year of the annual ETOM conference is "Active Teaching — Active Learning!" We will focus on strategies to make the teaching/learning process more dynamic and interactive — from furniture and room configuration to synchronous and online strategies. Sessions will address ways to promote active learning in both an online format as well as within the campus classroom. The keynote speaker is our very own Robert Talbert of Mathematics. Visit the ETOM website for more information. This opportunity is open to all faculty. Application deadline: October 11, 2019.
2019 Transforming STEM Higher Education
Association of American Colleges and Universities
Chicago, IL
- November 7 — 9, 2019
- Award Amount: up to $1500 — includes registration and travel expenses
- 4 slots available
The "Transforming STEM Higher Education" conference will question and examine the entire range of contemporary challenges to — and opportunities for — STEM higher education reform, including exploring contemporary approaches to teaching, broadening participation, interrogating research studies, and verifying assessment tools for determining effectiveness. In keeping with out commitment to STEM faculty, we will also explore novel approaches to professional and leadership development. Conference attendees will be invited to unveil and abate disciplinary biases, confront fixations on "fix the student" reform models, and question theories about what can and cannot count as evidence of effectiveness.
Through this unique conference experience, together we will continue our legacy of advancing the kind of undergraduate STEM education reform that brings diverse perspectives and worldviews to bear on levers of change. In doing so, we will also guarantee our nation's capacity to use those levers to drive innovation, discovery, social change, and life choices. Ultimately, we give deeper meaning and purpose to our way of knowing, understanding, and advancing STEM higher education practice, research, and policy.
This opportunity is open to tenure-track/tenured faculty in STEM disciplines. Application Deadline: Monday, September 23, 2019
Visit the AAC&U Transforming STEM Conference webpage for more information.
Michigan OER Summit
Delta College
University Center, MI
- October 18, 2019
- Award amount: up to $400 —includes registration and travel expenses
- 6 slots available
Join open education advocates and supporters for a day of networking, sharing and learning about the uses of open educational resources (OER) at their institutions. This year's event is hosted by Delta College, University Center, MI. Join our conversation at #MIOERSummit and visit MI Open Educational Resources Summit website for more information. This opportunity is open to all faculty. Application deadline: September 20, 2019.
Lilly Conference—Traverse City, MI
- October 17—19, 2019
- Traverse City, MI
- Award Amount: $625—Includes funding for the essential registration fee *prepaid by the Pew FTLC ($475) and travel/meal expenses ($150)
Lilly-Traverse City is a part of the overall Lilly Conference Series. For nearly 40 years, Lilly Conferences on College and University Teaching and Learning have provided opportunities for the presentation of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Faculty and administrators at various stags in their academic careers come from across the United States, representing nearly every discipline found in higher education. NOTE: This grant is intended to support FIRST-TIME CONFERENCE ATTENDEES. Others will be considered for registration expenses only if slots are still available. Preconference on Thursday is not included in the essential registration.
**Priority will be given to those who apply for this Sponsored Teaching and Learning Event Grant by August 12, 2019**
Visit the Lilly Conference Traverse City webpage for more information.
2018-2019 Sponsored Teaching and Learning Events
MI Open Educational Resources Summit
- September 21, 2018
- St. Clair Community College, Port Huron, MI
- Award Amount: $410—includes funding for registration and travel expenses
Join open education advocates and supporters for a day of networking, sharing and learning about the uses of open educational resources (OER) at their institutions. This year's event is hosted by St. Clair County Community College, Port Huron, MI
Visit the MI Open Educational Resources Summit website for more information.
Lilly Conference 2018—Traverse City, MI
- October 18—20, 2018
- Traverse City, MI
- Award Amount: $550—Includes funding for registration fee ($400) and travel/meal expenses ($150)
Lilly-Traverse City is part of the overall Lilly Conference Series. For 35 years, Lilly Conferences on College and University Teaching and learning have provided opportunities for the presentation of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Faculty and administrators at various stages in their academic careers come from across the United States, representing nearly every discipline found in higher education. NOTE: This grant is intended to support FIRST-TIME CONFERENCE ATTENDEES. Others will be considered for registration expenses only if slots are still available after June 1st.
Visit the Lilly Conference 2018 Traverse City webpage for more information.
2018 Great Lakes History Conference
- October 12—13, 2018
- Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, MI
- Award Amount: $0—Conference registration is FREE
- 10+ slots available
Gaming and simulations have long served as pedagogical tools in the history classroom. History-oriented games are also big business for the video and board-gaming industries. Their appeal derives from the thrill of role-playing and speculation on the possibilities of human actions, and as pedagogical devices their potential to enhance student engagement is obvious. Current historical scholarship also now focuses on disrupting received wisdom of long-held teleological conclusions and pondering contingent and conjunctural dynamics of global-scale historical developments. This conference will consider these trends and practices while serving as a regional training and gaming hub for Reacting to the Past—the innovative pedagogy used in numerous disciplines.
Visit the Great Lakes History Conference webpage for more information.
2018 Tran
sforming STEM Higher Education
Association of American
Colleges and Universities
Confirming the Authority of Evidence
- November 8—10, 2018
- Award Amount: Up to $1400—includes registration and travel expenses
- Application Deadline: Friday, October 19, 2018
- 4 slots available
As part of its Network for Academic Renewal conference series, the Association of American Colleges and Universities, with Project Kaleidoscope, will host the 2018 STEM conference, Transforming STEM Higher Education: Confirming the Authority of Evidence. This conference’s mission is to chart a daring path toward the reform of STEM higher education by strategically integrating disciplinary introspection, social consciousness, and self-reflection into an unparalleled conference experience that gives deeper meaning and purpose to our way of knowing, understanding, and advancing STEM higher education practice, research, and policy. The conference annually brings together more than 500 STEM faculty and administrators, as well as those supporting STEM higher education from other disciplines or in other roles.
This opportunity is open to tenure-track/tenured faculty in STEM disciplines. Application Deadline: Friday, October 19, 2018.
Visit the AAC&U Transforming STEM Conference webpage for more information.
2019 Diversity, Equity, and Student Success
Association of
American Colleges and Universities
Engaged Inclusivity: Perceptions, Realities, and Aspirations
- Pittsburgh, PA
- March 28—30, 2019
- Award Amount: up to $1400—includes registration and travel expenses
- Application Deadline: Friday, November 2, 2018
- 4 slots available
AAC&U’s Diversity, Equity, and Student Success Conference: “Engaged Inclusivity: Perceptions, Realities, and Aspirations” will examine what it means to work toward a campus environment where inclusivity thrives through constant reflection, analysis, and accountability. Engaged inclusivity transforms the dialogue on inclusion from general acceptance and tolerance of difference to active institutional transformation, based on the belief that the richness of our culture is because of our diversity and a recognition of our common humanity. The conference will provide a forum for educators, students, and community stakeholders to raise critical questions about institutional and external practices, policies, and structures that hinder full inclusion and to identify strategies for improving the educational environment for all participants.
This opportunity is open to all faculty, with preference given to those serving on the Equity and Inclusion Committee and/or who have participated in a past Inclusive Excellence Teaching Institute. Application Deadline: Friday, November 2, 2018.
Visit the AAC&U Diversity, Equity, and Student Success webpagefor more information.
22nd Annual Best Teachers International Institute
- Wilshire Grant Hotel, West Orange, NJ (New York City area)
- June 18—20, 2019
- Award Amount: up to $2000—includes registration and travel expenses
- Application Deadline: Friday, November 16, 2018
- 4 slots available
A three-day institute based on Ken Bain's award-winning and best-selling book What the Best College Teachers Do (Harvard University Press, 2004) and James Lang's highly lauded instant classic Small Teaching (Jossey-Bass, 2016). This year's program will also feature Eric Mazur, Harvard Physics Professor who won the prestigious Minerva Prize for his contributions to teaching and learning, Mindy Maris, a brilliant new contributor to the international dialogue on teaching and learning, and ideas from Ken Bain's book What the Best College Students Do (Harvard University Press, 2012).
This opportunity is limited to faculty holding the rank of Full Professor. Application Deadline: Friday, November 16, 2018.
Visit the Best Teacher Institute webpagefor more information.
2019 Reacting to the Past Faculty Institute
- Barnard College, New York, NY
- June 12—15, 2019
- Award Amount: up to $1700
- Application Deadline: Tuesday, January 15, 2019
- 4 slots available
Reacting to the Past (RTTP) consists of elaborate role-playing games informed by classic texts in the history of ideas. In order to “win,” students must learn the content deeply, write effectively, read closely, speak persuasively, think critically, conduct library research, collaborate, solve problems, and be creative. Class sessions are run entirely by students; instructors advise and guide students and grade their oral and written work. RTTP games are used in numerous disciplines, from STEM to Women’s Studies, and range from Athens 406 BCE to Title IX. See RTTP website, games available, and articles in Chronicle of Higher Education.
Application Deadline: January 15
Apply for this grant via the FTLC Grant System.
- St. Paul, MN
- June 10-13, 2019
- Award Amount: up to $1900- includes registration and travel expenses
- Application Deadline: Wednesday, March 27, 2019
- 4 slots available
The AALHE annual conference provides professional development for assessment practitioners in higher education and is one of the best resources for advanced assessment practitioners. AALHE is consistently heralded as the best opportunity for assessment networking. No matter their institution type - small, large, public, or private - attendees always leave the conference with many new assessment colleagues.
The AALHE assessment conference:
- Provides professional development opportunities for the advanced assessment practitioner.
- Provides professional development for those in the next generation of assessment professionals.
- Connects assessment professionals with others in the field.
- Leads and advocates best practices in assessment.
The opportunity is open to all full-time faculty, with preference given to those serving on the University Assessment Committee, or those with designated assessment responsibilities within their unit or college. Those selected to attend agree to participate in some form of facilitated conversations during Fall 2019 and share with other faculty what they have learned at the conference. Application Deadline: Wednesday, March 27, 2019.
2017-2018 Sponsored Teaching & Learning Events
21st Annual Best Teachers International Institute
- June 26–28, 2018
- Wilshire Grand Hotel, West Orange, NJ (New York City Area)
A Three-day international institute based on Ken Bain's award-winning and best-selling book What the Best College Teachers Do* (Harvard University Press, 2004) and James Lang's best-selling Small Teaching (Jossey-Bass, 2016). Using the resources of multiple universities and colleges, this year's program will also feature ideas from Ken Bain's new book What the Best College Students Do* (Harvard University Press, 2012).
2018 Digital Humanities Summer Institute
- June 4–8, 2018
- University of Victoria, Vancouver
The Digital Humanities Summer Institute provides an ideal environment for discussing and learning about new computing technologies and how they are influencing teaching, research, dissemination, creation, and preservation in different disciplines, via a community-based approach. A time of intensive coursework, seminars, and lectures, participants at DHSI share ideas, methods, and develop expertise in using advanced technologies. Every summer, the institute brings together faculty, staff, and students from the Arts, Humanities, Library, and Archives communities as well as independent scholars and participants from areas beyond.
Educational Technology Organization of Michigan (ETOM) Fall Conference
- October 27, 2017
- Mid-Michigan Community College, Mt. Pleasant, MI
Special focus on online/hybrid courses and the keynote focus is on social presence. Our keynote this year is Dr. Karen Swan. She will be speaking on "Developing Social Presence in Online classes." Dr. Swan is the Stukel Professor of Educational Research and a Research Associate in the Center for Online Learning, Research and Service (COLRS) at the University of Illinois Springfield.
Lilly Conference 2017
- October 19–21, 2017
- Traverse City, MI
Lilly-Traverse City is part of the overall Lilly Conference Series. For 35 years, Lilly Conferences on College and University Teaching and Learning have provided opportunities for the presentation of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Faculty and administrators at various stages in their academic careers come from across the United States, representing nearly every discipline found in higher education.
Michigan OER Summit
- September 22, 2017
- Kellogg Community College, Battle Creek, MI
Michigan Colleges Online is pleased to announce the 2017 MI OER Summit a gathering of OPEN enthusiasts and those who are interested and eager to learn, network and advocate. This year’s event is hosted by Kellogg Community College (Battle Creek, MI) at the Binda Performing Arts Center on September 22, 2017.
Intergroup Dialogue & Diversity Education Summer Institute
- July 23–26, 2017
- Hope College, Holland, MI
The 20-hour IDDE Institute will focus on: Introduction to Intergroup Dialogue, Developing Intergroup Dialogue Skills, Diversity Education, Dialogue Facilitation Skills, and Models for Creating an Intergroup Dialogue Program. The Institute will also emphasize pedagogy and experiential learning allowing participants to develop specific practical tools and exercises that they can then use in their own courses and campus programs. Registration should be completed before April 15.
2016 - 2017
2016-2017 Sponsored Teaching and Learning Events
20th Annual International Best Teachers Institute
- June 20–22, 2017
- Wilshire Grand Hotel–West Orange, NJ (New York City Area)
A Three-day institute based on Ken Bain's award-winning and best-selling book What the Best College Teachers Do* (Harvard University Press, 2004) and James Lang's highly lauded instant classic Small Teaching (Jossey-Bass, 2016). This year's program will also feature ideas from Ken Bain's new book What the Best College Students Do* (Harvard University Press, 2012).
AAC&U Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement
- June 7–10, 2017
- Baltimore, MD
The 2017 Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement Meeting (CLDE17) is a conference designed around an emergent theory of change adapted from elements of the 2012 Crucible Moment report. Like this report, the CLDE17 conference invites participants to consider what does a civic-minded campus look like?
2017 Digital Humanities Summer Institute
- June 5–16, 2017
- The University of Victoria, Vancouver
The Digital Humanities Summer Institute provides an ideal environment for discussing and learning about new computing technologies and how they are influencing teaching, research, dissemination, creation, and preservation in different disciplines, via a community-based approach.
10th Annual SOTL Commons Conference
- Mar 29-31, 2017
- Coastal Georgia Center, Savannah, GA
The SoTL Commons is an international conference hosted annually by the Centers for Teaching and Technology at Georgia Southern University. Attend high-quality presentations from recognized speakers and join in conversations on SoTL with an international community of scholars.
AAC&U-2017 General Education and Assessment: Design Thinking for Student Learning
- February 23–25, 2017
- The Sheraton Hotel, downtown Phoenix, AZ
Join us at this year's General Education and Assessment conference to explore how general education and more effective forms of assessment can help us truly make excellence inclusive and empower all our students for future success and well-being.
Great Lakes Regional Student Success Conference
Putting it
all Together: Campus Strategy for Access, Retention, and Completion
- Feb 16-17, 2017
- Detroit Marriott Renaissance Center, 400 Renaissance Drive Detroit, MI
Successful college completion is essential to the future of the students we serve and to the society they inhabit. Retaining and graduating the students who enroll in higher education institutions has become more and more important for both students and institutions, which is why this years’ conference is focused even more on highlighting exemplary practices. It is imperative that we share best practices and innovative strategies for access, retention, and completion.
Educational Technology Organization of Michigan (ETOM) Fall Conference
- Nov 11, 2016
- Mott Community College - Flint, Michigan
Barry J. Fishman, from the University of Michigan, will provide our keynote address entitled "School is a Game... But is it a good game?" We want our students to be deeply engaged with our subject matter. We want them to work hard and take on intellectual challenges. We want them to take risks and try new things. And perhaps most importantly, we want our students to be resilient in the face failure. So why it is that the design of our educational systems including colleges and universities encourages exactly the opposite behaviors? I propose that our grading and assessment systems are the heart of the problem.
AAC&U 2016 Transforming Undergraduate STEM Education: Implications for 21st Century Society
- Nov 3-5, 2016
- Boston, MA
AAC&U and Project Kaleidoscope invite you to join with colleagues to share and examine evidence-based models, practices, and strategies to provide high-quality undergraduate STEM teaching and learning and increase the number of students majoring, completing baccalaureate degrees, and pursuing careers in STEM fields. This year’s conference will deepen our understanding of ‘what works’ in STEM higher education reform and provide attendees with the opportunity to rethink curricular designs and teaching approaches in ways that will maximize learning.
Lilly Conference 2016
- Oct 20-22, 2016
- Park Place Hotel, Traverse City, Michigan
[NOTE: This grant is intended to support FIRST-TIME CONFERENCE ATTENDEES. Others will be considered for registration expenses only if slots are still available.] Lilly-Traverse City is part of the overall Lilly Conference Series. For 35 years, Lilly Conferences on College and University Teaching and Learning have provided opportunities for the presentation of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Faculty and administrators at various stages in their academic careers come from across the United States, representing nearly every discipline found in higher education.
2015 - 2016
Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) - 6/6/16
AAC&U Civic Learning & Democratic Engagement Meeting - 6/2/16
The Knapsack Institute: Transforming Teaching & Learning - 5/25/16
The Faculty Success Program - National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity - 5/22/16
Transformative Teaching and Learning Conference - Oakland University and University of Windsor - 5/18/16
Integrating Technology with Learning: The 21st Century SoTL Classroom - University of Findlay - 5/16/16
AAC&U 2016 Diversity, Learning, and Student Success Conference - 3/17/16
Educational Technology Organization of Michigan (ETOM) Fall Conference - 11/6/15
Lilly Conference 2015 - Traverse City, MI - 10/15/15