Sponsored Teaching and Learning Event Grant
- Amount: Varies.
- Purpose: This grant supports a limited number of teaching and learning related workshops, institutes and conferences.
- Eligibility: All faculty (tenure track, tenured, affiliate, visiting, and adjunct). Eligibility varies depending on the event. Each event description will list eligibility criteria separately.
- Application Timing: Applications will have varied deadlines throughout the year which will be announced via a Pew FTLC mailing or invitation.
- Of Note:
- Funds may cover the partial or full cost, depending on the event. See specific event for details.
- There is no retroactive funding
Below is a detailed explanation of the Sponsored Teaching and Learning Event Grant. Once you have reviewed the information below, please click on "APPLY FOR A GRANT" to begin the application process. Applications may be saved as "in progress" at any time during the application process.
Sponsored Teaching and Learning Event Grant
Sponsored Teaching and Learning Event Grants support a limited number of teaching and learning related workshops, institutes and conferences. A list of current sponsored events with dates, location, brief description, and total Pew FTLC funding is available in the body of the application.
The award varies according to the specific event.
- Eligibility varies depending on the event. Each event description will list eligibility criteria separately.
- Staff not eligible.
Apply by selecting "Sponsored Teaching and Learning Event Grant" from the dropdown menu in the FTLC Grants System.
Each applicant who is awarded a Sponsored Teaching and Learning Event Grant will be responsible for submitting a Final Report (brief reflection) via the online system within 30 days of the event end date. The Pew FTLC will send out an automatic reminder e-mail for your convenience. The Final Report will ask for you to summarize the following (500 word limit):
- What tools, skills, knowledge and/or professional connections did you gain by attending this Event/Workshop?
- What is the anticipated impact of the Event/Workshop on your teaching?
- What are your plans to disseminate your new knowledge?
You will be asked to attach your Award of Completion Certificate to the final report for each Online Consortium Workshop grant you are awarded.
To submit a Final Report, click on "Final Report" under "Application Details" within the FTLC Grant System. Reimbursements will not be processed until a Final Report has been received.
Please note: We read these reports with great interest and use them:
- To verify that our investment in you had an impact on our students' learning and on your professional development
- To glean ideas for new FTLC endeavors which can benefit more students and faculty
- To improve our processes and outcomes
(Optional) Faculty Reflection:
Each applicant who is awarded a Sponsored Teaching and Learning
Event Grant will be invited to submit a Faculty Reflection via the
online system within 30 days of the event end date. The Pew FTLC will
send out an automatic reminder e-mail for your convenience. The
Faculty Reflection will ask for you to include a brief reflection on
your experience that may be posted on the Pew FTLC website to give
other interested faculty an idea of the nature of the event (150 word limit).
All expenditures associated with this grant must be submitted to your unit through the Expense Report process along with original, detailed receipts. Your unit will reimburse you for your travel expenses and send a copy of the Expense Report via the Budget Amendment for Organization process in Workday to the Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning Center (this process was previously done in OnBase). Upon submission of your Final Report and a copy of your expense report attached to the Budget Amendment, your unit will be reimbursed by the Pew FTLC.
- Contact the Pew FTLC Office at pewftlc@gvsu.edu or (616) 331-3498 with questions.
- Also, check out our Grants Frequently Asked Questions page.