Nominations are submitted by Deans Offices to the Pew FTLC ( by
November 1 at 5 p.m. While each college sets its
own internal process and deadline for the initial review, the Pew FTLC
encourages college committees to uphold the ideals of inclusive
excellence throughout the nomination process. Contact your Dean’s
Office to inquire about internal deadlines for nominations and
materials to be submitted to the college Dean’s Office for review.
Each college may nominate one faculty member to be considered for
each Pew Teaching Excellence Award (exception: College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences, which nominates up to five faculty members).
Nominations are submitted electronically – there is no longer a need
to submit a paper copy of nominations. In the event that a supporting
item is not readily submitted via email, it can be brought to the Pew
FTLC office (068 Zumberge Hall) to be made available to the members of
the teaching awards review committee.
Brad Ambrose from Physics has graciously agreed to grant access to
his University
Outstanding Teacher Award packet for those interested in seeing
a sample set of nomination materials. A GVSU login is required in
order to view this file.
The criteria for the Pew Teaching Excellence Awards and the
University Outstanding Teacher Award can be found on the webpages and
nomination cover sheets for each award.
The supporting materials listed below are required for the following awards:
Pew Teaching Excellence Award
Pew Teaching Excellence Award for Adjunct Faculty
Pew Teaching with Technology Award
The Burch, Jacobs & Moore Diversity Teaching Excellence Award
Nomination Cover Sheet
Three artifacts
Description of Teaching Excellence
Statement authored by the nominee, emphasizing pedagogy
and reflection on teaching experiences over time (1-2 pages
in length)
For Library Faculty, Description of Professional
Excellence - Statement authored by the nominee, emphasizing
reflection on professional practice over time. This includes
teaching and/or support for teaching (1-2 pages in
Sample teaching material
Carefully selected item that best represents teaching
excellence. Examples include: syllabus, assignment, project
guidelines, teaching tool, self-authored learning object
Evidence of impact on student learning
A single item demonstrating impact on student learning.
Examples include: student evaluations from a course, peer
observation report, or student project sample (shared with
Three letters of support
Two letters of support from faculty colleagues
One letter of support from a student (current or past)
The supporting materials listed below are required for the
Pew Excellence Award for Teaching and Learning Enrichment:
Nomination cover sheet
Three Artifacts
Reflective statement authored by the nominee, emphasizing
reflection on the award criteria and contributions to the
teaching and learning environment on campus (1-2 pages in
Two pieces of evidence, such as publications, presentations,
lesson plans, tools, guides, reports and whitepapers, project or
workflow plans, open educational resources, open data sets,
digital scholarship, or other documentation
Two letters of support from individuals with
knowledge of the nominee's abilities and commitment to the
teaching and learning environment on campus (faculty, staff, or students)
The supporting materials listed below are required for the
University Outstanding Teacher Award:
Nomination Cover Sheet
Curriculum vitae
Reflective statement addressing the following areas: (a) a
description of the nominee's teaching philosophy and (b) a
reflection on teaching experiences over time (up to two pages)
Two syllabi, from different courses
Two assignments
Two examinations or other final assessment in a course
Student evaluations from all courses taught in previous two years,
arranged by semester
Two letters of support from faculty colleagues who have knowledge
of the nominee's ability as a teacher and who are not committee
members. The letters should address the criteria for the award.
Two letters of support from students, at least one of whom is
currently enrolled and at least one of whom is an alumnus/a. The
letters should address the criteria for the award.
Please note: no additional materials beyond these items will be accepted.
Only full-time tenured faculty are eligible for the University
Outstanding Teacher Award.
All faculty, regular (tenure-track), affiliate, and visiting who have
taught full-time at GVSU for a minimum of six semesters are eligible
for the Pew Teaching Excellence Awards. (This
includes the following: Pew Teaching Excellence Award, Pew Teaching
with Technology Award, The Burch, Jacobs & Moore Diversity
Teaching Excellence Award and the Pew Excellence Award for Teaching
and Learning Enrichment). The semesters do not need to have
been contiguous.
A faculty member may not be nominated for any other teaching award
during the year that they are nominated for an award.
A faculty member may not receive the same award more than once every
ten years.
There are two awards in Pew Teaching Excellence Award for
Adjunct Faculty category, with different eligibility and
frequency as follows:
Pew Teaching Excellence Award for Adjunct Faculty
Adjunct faculty who have taught at GVSU a minimum of six
semesters are eligible
Full-time Administrative Professional (AP) employees of Grand
Valley are not eligible
This is an annual award
Pew Teaching Excellence Award for AP Status Adjunct Faculty
Full-time Administrative Professional (AP) employees of Grand
Valley who are also adjunct faculty and have taught at GVSU a
minimum of six semesters are eligible
This is a biannual award and will next be given in the
2025-2026 academic year
Recipients are selected by the Teaching Excellence Awards
Sub-committee of the Faculty Teaching and Learning Center Advisory
Committee (FTLCAC). The Sub-committee – convened by a member of the
Pew FTLC staff – comprises five faculty from the FTLCAC (two from
CLAS, two from the other colleges on a rotating basis, and one
graduate faculty member), one student, and the Information Technology
representative to FTLCAC (ex officio).
Final selection of the recipient of the University Outstanding
Teacher Award is made by the Provost. The recipient is recommended to
the Provost by the Teaching Excellence Awards Sub-Committee.
Members of the Teaching Excellence Awards Sub-committee may not
nominate or support candidates for any teaching award. If nominated
for an award, any Sub-committee member must recuse him or herself from
the selection process.
The Sub-committee will forward the names of award recipients to
the Pew FTLC who then shares the information with the Provost and
relevant Dean by December 15. The Pew FTLC will
inform the recipient of his or her selection and also will inform
nominees who are not selected. For the University Outstanding Teacher
Award, the Provost will inform the recipient of his or her selection
and the Pew FTLC will inform nominees who are not selected. The awards
are presented at the Faculty Awards Convocation.
Each year, up to seven Pew Teaching Excellence Awards, two
Teaching with Technology Awards, and one of each of the other awards
will be given. Teaching Excellence Award recipients receive $500. The
University Outstanding Teaching Award recipient receives $1000.