Chad Frederick
Associate Professor

Ph.D. Urban Affairs, University of Louisville
M.A. Urban and Environmental Planning, Arizona State University
B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies, Metropolitan State University
Office: MAK B-4-210
Phone: (616) 331-5037
Areas of Interest: Urban Geography, Multimodality, Spatial Inequalities, Medium-size Cities, Quantitative Methods, Bioregionalism, Sustainable Urban Development
Representative Publications:
- Frederick, C. 2017. America's addiction to automobiles: Why cities need to kick the habit and how. Santa Barbara, California: Praeger.
- Frederick, C., Hammersmith, A., & Gilderbloom, J. (2019). Putting ‘place’ in its place: Comparing place-based factors in interurban analyses of life expectancy in the United States. Social Science and Medicine. 232. 148-155.
- Talmage, C. and Frederick, C. 2019. Quality of life, multimodality, and the demise of the autocentric metropolis. Social Indicators Research. 141. 365-390.
- Frederick, C., Riggs, W. and Gilderbloom, J. 2018. Commute mode diversity and public health: A multivariate analysis of 148 U.S. cities. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. 12(1):1-11.
- Frederick, C. and Gilderbloom, J. 2017. Commute mode diversity and income inequality: A multivariate analysis of 148 U.S. cities. Local Environment. 22(12):1-23.
- Frederick, C. and Pijawka, D. 2015. The critical role of student interest: Education for sustainable development and urban planning pedagogy. International Journal of Sustainability Education. 11(1):11-28.
- Frederick, C. and Pijawka, D. 2014. Constructing and assessing an introductory urban sustainability course: Applying new insights using survey research. Journal of Sustainability Education. 7(2).
- Pijawka, D., Yabes, R., Frederick, C. and White, P. 2013. Integration of sustainability in planning and design programs in higher education: Evaluating learning outcomes. Journal of Urbanism. 6(1):24-36.
- Frederick, C. and Pijawka, D. 2015. Measuring Learning Outcomes in Education for Sustainable Development. in David Pijawka (ed.), Understanding Sustainable Cities: Concepts, Cases, and Solutions, 2nd ed. Kendall Hunt.