Gang Xu
Associate Professor

Ph.D. Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
M.S. Urban and Regional Planning/Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Office: B-4-206 Mackinac Hall
Phone: (616) 331-3068
Email: Gang's LinkedIn profile
Areas of Interest: Economic Geography, urban studies, urban and regional development, GIS, international business, globalization, tourism, China, East Asia
Representative Publications:
- Litvin, S., Xu, G., Ferguson, A., and Smith, W. 2013. Too Attractive for Its Own Good? South of Broad, Second Homes and Resident Attitudes. Tourism Management Perspectives. 7: 89–98.
- Sun, W., Liang, S., Xu, G., Fang, H., and Dickinson, R. 2008. Mapping plant functional types from MODIS data using multisource evidential reasoning. Remote Sensing of Environment 112(3):1010–1024.
- Xu, G., & Wang, R. 2007. The effect of foreign direct investment on domestic capital formation, trade, and economic growth in a transition economy: Evidence from China. The Global Economy Journal, 7(2): 1-21.
- Xu, G. 2006. Tourism. In Geography and Economy of China, (B. Staiger, S. Friedrich and H. Schuette, editors). Darmstadt: WBG (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft), pp. 161-163.