Heather Moody
Associate Professor

Ph.D. Geography, Michigan State University
M.P.A. Public Administration - Environment, Cleveland State University College of Urban Affairs
Office: B-4-208 Mackinac Hall
Phone: (616)-331-2861
Email: moodyh@gvsu.edu. Faculty web page.
Areas of interest: Environmental Justice, environmental health disparities, water and food security, citizens science, climate change and sustainable energy, industrial ecology, biomimicry, ecological design, and collective community interdependence.
Representative Publications:
- Tsuji J, Moody H, Wathen S. 2022. NSF S-STEM TRACK2 Grant Siena Heights: Applying Psychological Constructs and Student Supports to Improve the Education of Students in STEM (SHAPE STEM). Siena Heights University, Adrian, MI.
- Moody H, Wathen S, Tsuji J, Bell B, Crites A, Gascon N, Khankan Z, Pringle E, Monroe E, Olsen G, Stahl P, Sykora K. 2022. Survey of Microplastics in Synthetic Versus Natural Fiber Laundry Effluent. Michigan Academician https://doi.org/10.7245/0026-2005-48.1.1
- Moody H, Easley LE, Sissen M. 2021. Water Shutoffs During COVID-19 and Black Lives: Case Study Detroit. Environmental Justice 15(05): 313-318. https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/env.2020.0064
- Moody H, Grady S. 2021. Lead Emissions and Population Vulnerability in the Detroit Metropolitan Area, 2006–2013: Impact of Pollution, Housing Age and Neighborhood Racial Isolation and Poverty on Blood Lead in Children. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(2747):1-20. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18052747
- Moody H, Wathen S, Tsuji J, Brown S, Carlisle R, Collins E, Dart H, Fluke T, Khankan Y, King K, McGaughy A, Nadasky C, Patrick J. 2021. Survey of Microplastics in Potable and Freshwater Sources in Southeast Michigan. Michigan Academician 47(3):39-40. https://doi.org/10.7245/0026-2005-47.3.1
- Tsuji J, Wathen S, Moody H, Bell B, Crites A, Gascon N, Khankan Z, Pringle E, Monroe E, Nichols L, Olsen G, Stahl P, Sykora K. 2021. Trends in Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus) Migration from 2002 to 2019. Michigan Academician 47(3):39. https://doi.org/10.7245/0026-2005-47.3.1
- Tsuji J, Moody H, Wathen S, Rousselo P, Lindstrom J, Tsuji M. 2020. SHAPE-STEM – Shaping Michigan’s Next Generation of Environmental Scientists. Scientia. https://doi.org/10.33548/SCIENTIA554
- Tsuji J, Moody H, Wathen S, Brown S, Carlisle R, Collins E, Flores R, King K, McGaughy A, Nadasky C, Patrick J, and A Pocza. 2019. Monitoring Airborne Particulate Matter Produced During the Demolition of a University Building. Michigan Academician XLVI (1):57.
- Tsuji J, Moody H, Wathen S. 2017. NSF S-STEM Grant Siena Heights: Applying Psychological Constructs and Student Supports to Improve the Education of Students in STEM (SHAPE STEM). Siena Heights University, Adrian, MI.
- Moody H, Grady S. 2017. Geographic Analysis of Air Lead Emissions and Deposition and Population Vulnerability in the Detroit Metropolitan Area, Michigan 2006 Through 2013. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14(1445):1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph14121445
- Moody H, Darden JT, Pigozzi BW. 2016. The Relationship of Neighborhood Socioeconomic Differences and Racial Residential Segregation to Childhood Blood Lead Levels in Metropolitan Detroit. Journal of Urban Health 93(5):820-839. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11524-016-0071-8
- Moody H, Darden JT, Pigozzi BW. 2015. The Racial Gap in Childhood Blood Lead Levels Related to Socioeconomic Position of Residence in Metropolitan Detroit. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 83(5):1-19. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F2332649215608873
- Moody H. 2014. The Relationship of Neighborhood Socioeconomic Differences and Racial Residential Segregation to Childhood Blood Lead Levels in Metropolitan Detroit. ProQuest LLC. UMI Dissertation Publishing, Michigan State University. UMI No. 3619171.