Jim Penn

Professor and Department Chair

Jim Penn



Ph.D. Geography, University of Florida

M.A. Latin American Studies, Tropical Conservation and Development Program, University of Florida

Office: B-4-205 Mackinac Hall
Phone: (616) 331-8522
Email: pennji@gvsu.edu

Areas of interest: Amazonia, Latin America, non-timber forest products, ethnobotany, natural resource use and indigenous communities, agriculture and farmers, rural-to-urban migration, globalization and development, railroads and freight transportation.


Representative Publications:

  • Penn, J. (In press). Community-based Field Research and Intercultural Student Experiences: Tropical
    Rainforest Experiential Learning in the Peruvian Amazon. In: Wessell, J.E. (ed.) Experiential
    learning in geography: Experience, evaluation and encounters. Switzerland: Springer Nature.

  • Penn, J. Rural-to-urban Migration. (Submitted) In: C. Pope (ed.) Modern Global Migration: An
    Encyclopedia of People on the Move. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO Publishers.

  • Lane, P.M., and J. Penn. 2018. Explorando la cultura Mayangna de Nicaragua através del FODA.
    Raíces: Revista Nicaragüense de Antropología 2 (4) 47 – 54.

  • Lane, P, Gómez, E., & Penn, J. 2018. Exploring a Culture with UNESCO 2030 Objectives and SWOT:
    The Mayangna of Nicaragua. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal 5 (11), 589-602

  • Penn, J. W., Jr. 2017. Piassaba broom production and fiber harvest amid challenging conditions in the
    lower Andes: A case from Peru. Pp. 177 – 205 In: C. Allen (ed.) The Andes: Geography, diversity
    and sociocultural impacts. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

  • Delgado, C., Penn, J., and Couturier, G. 2016 Status of cacao trees following seasonal floods in major
    watersheds of the Peruvian Amazon. Agricultural Science 4 (2) 15-24.

  • Penn, J. 2012. The unconquered: In search of the Amazon’s last uncontacted tribes. (Book review)
    Journal of Latin American Geography 11(1): 188-90.

  • Penn, J. 2010. Domestication centers. In B. Warf (Ed.), Sage encyclopedia of human geography (pp.
    374-378). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

  • Penn, J. W., Jr. 2008. Non-timber forest products in Peruvian Amazonia: Changing patterns of economic
    exploitation. Focus on Geography 51(2): 18-25.

  • Pinedo-Panduro, M. and J. Penn. 2008. Camu-camu: A sustainable option for agroindustry in the
    Peruvian Amazon. FAO Non-wood News 17: 52.

  • Penn, J. W., Jr. 2006. The cultivation of camu camu (Myrciaria dubia): A tree planting programme in
    the Peruvian Amazon. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 16 (1): 85-101.

  • Miller, R.P., Penn, J.W., Jr, and J. van Leeuwen. 2006. Amazonian Homegardens: Their ethnohistory
    and potential contribution to agroforestry development. Pp. 43 -60 In: Kumar, B.K. and P.K. Nair
    (eds.) Tropical Homegardens: A Time-Tested Example of Sustainable Agroforestry. Advances in
    Agroforestry 3. Dordrecht: Springer Science.

  • Penn, J. and G. Neise. 2004. Aguaje palm agroforestry in the Peruvian Amazon. The Palmateer Vol. 24,
    No. 1, 15-18.

  • Meyer, D., and J. Penn. 2003. An overview of the Tamshiyacu-Tahuayo Communal Reserve. Rapid
    Biological Inventories 11: 176-177. Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History.

  • Bodmer, R.E., C.M. Allen, J.W. Penn, R. Aquino, and C. Reyes. 1999. Evaluating sustainable use of
    wildlife in the Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve, Peru. America Verdi No. 4a. 36 pp.

  • Bodmer, R. E., J. W. Penn, P. E. Puertas, L. I. Moya and T. G. Fang. 1997. Linking Conservation and
    Local People through Sustainable Use of Natural Resources: Community-Based Management in the Peruvian Amazon. Pp. 315-358 In: Curtis H. Freese (ed.), Harvesting Wild Species:

  • Implications for Biodiversity Conservation. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press.
    Bodmer, R. E. and J. W. Penn, Jr. 1997. Manejo de Vida Silvestre em Comunidades na Amazonia. Pp.
    52-69 In: Claudio Valladares-Padua and Richard E. Bodmer (eds.), Manejo e Conservacão de
    Vida Silvestre no Brasil. Belém, Brasil, Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas.

  • Bodmer, R. E., J. W. Penn and Eduardo Durand. 1995. Costos y Beneficios del Establecimiento de una
    Extracción de Recursos más Sostenible en la Amazonia Occidental. Pp. 215-222 In: G. A. B. da
    Fonseca, M. Schmink, L. P. de S. Pinto and F. Brito (eds.), Abordages Interdisciplinares para a
    Conservacão do Uso de Terra no Novo Mundo. Belo Horizonte, Brasil: Conservation International
    do Brasil.

  • Penn, J. W., Jr. 1994. Agroforestería orientada a la fauna sivestre y necesidades humanas: Desafíos y
    realidades de la Reserva Comunal Tamshiyacu-Tahuayo. Kanatari 490: 6-7 and 493: 5, 11.

  • Penn, J. W., Jr. and Jose A. Alvarez. 1990. Comunidad Campesina Protege sus Cochas.
    Kanatari 258: 3, 10.

  • Bodmer, R. E., T. G. Fang, L. I. Moya, and J. W. Penn, Jr. 1990. Management Programmes and
    Protected Areas: The Case of the Reserva Comunal Tamshiyacu-Tahuayo. Parks 1(1): 21-25.

Page last modified March 14, 2025