Ian Van Dyke

Professor Ian Van Dyke smiling

Dr. Ian Van Dyke
Visiting Professor of History 
Mackinac Hall D-1-120
[email protected]


Ph.D., University of Notre Dame, 2022
M.A., Ohio University, 2016
B.A., Gannon University, 2014

Ian Van Dyke is a historian of the U.S. in the world, with a focus on religion, ideas, and politics in the twentieth century. He is currently at work on a book on the Lausanne Movement, a sprawling, global evangelical Christian missionary organization, from the 1970s through the early 2000s. In particular, he is interested in the ways Global South evangelicals—especially radical thinkers from the Middle East and Latin America—challenged the conservative priorities of their North American peers in an effort to re-think Christian politics along more just, egalitarian, and humane lines. In addition, he is also researching a second project on the history of U.S. religious institutions’ reckoning with historical injustices perpetrated in the name of religion, including settler-colonial violence, racism, and cultural imperialism. Van Dyke's teaching is broadly situated within U.S. and global histories; he has taught courses ranging from introductory surveys to upper-level courses on American conservatism, religion and social justice, and the global 1960s.

Page last modified August 9, 2022