Jason Crouthamel

Professor Jason Crouthamel

Jason Crouthamel 
Professor of History
Mackinac Hall D-1-228
(616) 331-2931

Fields: Modern Europe, Germany, Memory, Trauma, Gender, Religion

Ph.D., Indiana University, 2001

Research Interests:

Professor Crouthamel's research focus is on the history of memory, trauma, masculinity and religious experience in Germany during the two world wars.

In addition to his monographs and edited volumes (see below) Prof. Crouthamel has published articles and book chapters on trauma, memory, gender history and other topics – please see link to CV.

He is currently working on a new monograph titled A Psychological History of War Machines: Aviation, Trauma and Emotions in Germany during the First World War.

Course topics taught by Prof. Crouthamel include 20th century Europe (HST 386), Modern Germany (HST 387), the History of Nazi Germany (HST 200), the Holocaust (HST 400, HNR 250), Memory of the Two World Wars (HST 495), European Civilizations (HST 102), and other courses. He is also available for independent study and senior thesis courses on modern European history, gender and war, history of memory, history of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust and other courses.  

For more information, please see Prof. Crouthamel's Curriculum Vitae

Book Publications

Professor Crouthamel's newest book is a monograph published in 2021.  It is titled Trauma, Religion and Spirituality in Germany during the First World War (London: Bloomsbury 2021).

Jason Crouthamel's Latest Book The Languages of Trauma 2021

Professor Crouthamel's collected volume co-edited with Julia B. Koehne and Peter Leese, titled Languages of Trauma: History, Media and Memory (University of Toronto Press, 2021). 

Professor Crouthamel has also co-edited (with Michael Geheran, Julia B. Köhne and Tim Grady) the collected volume Beyond Inclusion and Exclusion: Jewish Experiences of the First World War in Central Europe (New York: Berghahn Books, 2018).




Professor Crouthamel's second book, An Intimate History of the Front: Masculinity, Sexuality and Ordinary German Soldiers in the First World War, was published with Palgrave Macmillan in 2014. This book uses letters and diaries to reconstruct front soldiers’ conceptions of sexuality and masculinity in the trenches.

Professor Crouthamel's first book is The Great War and German Memory: Society, Politics and Psychological Trauma (Liverpool University Press, 2009). The book discusses "war neurosis" as a site of debate over welfare, traumatic experience, memory and gender in imperial, Weimar and Nazi Germany.



Professor Crouthamel has co-edited (with Peter Leese at the University of Copenhagen) two collected volumes on trauma and war. The first is Psychological Trauma and the Legacy of the First World War, published with Palgrave Macmillan in 2016. This collection uncovers new sites of modern traumatic experience in transnational contexts and with interdisciplinary approaches to trauma representation, narratives and sites of memory.

He also co-edited (with Peter Leese at the University of Copenhagen) a second companion volume on trauma and war.  Traumatic Memories of the Second World War and After, was also published with Palgrave Macmillan in 2016. The companion volume also uncovers new sites of modern traumatic experience in transnational contexts and with interdisciplinary approaches to trauma representation, narratives and sites of memory.

Page last modified August 29, 2022