Tamara Shreiner

Professor Tamara Shreiner

Tamara Shreiner
Assistant Dean for Curriculum Approval, Content Teacher Education and Assessment
Associate Professor of History
Director of Comprehensive Science & Arts for Teaching (CSAT) Major
Mackinac Hall D-1-214
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Website
(616) 331-8568

Professor Shreiner's Curriculum Vitae

Fields: Social Studies Education, Museum Education

Ph.D., M.A., University of Michigan
Graduate Certificate in Museum Studies, University of Michigan
B.S., Eastern Michigan University

Research Interests: 
My research lies at the intersection of history education and civic education. As a social studies educator, I am interested in how historical thinking and literacy practices gained through social studies education prepare people to be informed, competent citizens. Currently, my work focuses on data literacy in history and social studies. I study how historians, social studies teachers, and students reason about and with data visualizations such as maps, graphs, and timelines, and how such reasoning not only supports the learning of history, but also prepares people for their civic roles.  As part of this research, I am co-PI on an NSF-funded project investigating how computer technology can assist teachers in the teaching of data literacy in social studies.

Selected Publications:
Shreiner, T.L., Harris, L.M., Girard, B. (accepted). What an integrative approach to disciplinary literacy can mean for classroom practice in social studies. The Great Lakes Social Studies Journal.

Guzdial, M. & Shreiner, T.L. (accepted). Starting with the plugged: How teachers can bring computation into their teaching. In A. Yadav and U. Berthelsen (Eds.), Computational Thinking in Compulsory Education: A Pedagogical Perspective.

Tamara L. Shreiner & B. M. Dykes (2020) Visualizing the teaching of data visualizations in social studies: A study of teachers’ data literacy practices, beliefs, and knowledge, Theory & Research in Social Education, DOI: 10.1080/00933104.2020.1850382

Shreiner, T. L. (2020). Building a data-literate citizenry: How U.S. state standards address data and data visualizations in social studies. Information and Learning Sciences, 121(11/12), 909-931. 

Shreiner, T.L. & Zwart, D. (2020). It’s just different: Identifying features of disciplinary literacy unique to world history. The History Teacher, 53(3).

Shreiner, T. L. (2020). Turning on the Historian’s Macroscope: A Call to Foreground the Teaching and Learning of Data Visualizations in World History Education. World History Connected, 17(1). Retrieved from https://worldhistoryconnected.press.uillinois.edu/17.1/shreiner.html

Shreiner, T.L. (2019). Students’ use of data visualizations in historical reasoning: A think-aloud investigation with elementary, middle, and high school students. The Journal of Social Studies Research, 43(4), 389-404.

Shreiner, T. L. (2018). Data literacy for social studies: Examining the role of data visualizations in K-12 textbooks. Theory & Research in Social Education, 46(2), 194-231.

Harris, L.M, Shreiner, T.L., and Hoelting, M. (2017). Examining the PCK and planning phases of an ambitious world history teacher. Journal of Social Studies Research, 41(2), 117-130.

Shreiner, T. L. (2014). Using historical knowledge to reason about contemporary political issues: An expert-novice study. Cognition and Instruction, 32(4), 313-352.

Harris, L. M., & Shreiner, T. L. (2014). Why can't we just look it up?  Using concept formation lessons to teach global patterns and local cases in world history. World History Connected, 11(2). Retrieved from https://worldhistoryconnected.press.illinois.edu/11.2/harris.html

Page last modified June 28, 2021