HNR 201: Live. Learn. Lead.
Campus and Community Engagement

HNR 201 is structured around a series of campus and community lectures, performances, exhibits, and other events. Readings and classroom activities prepare students to experience each event as fully as possible. Group attendance, follow-up discussion, and written reflections help students derive meaning from each experience and place it in larger contexts. The ultimate aim of the course is to equip students to engage in intelligent participation in public dialogues.
Students are required to attend at least five of the scheduled campus or community events. All students in the class, whether they plan to go or not, prepare for each event by discussing readings, videos, or websites associated with the event, and then all students process the event afterward by hearing from those who attended and discussing the themes or issues raised by the event. As part of the class, students also discuss readings about leadership, service, education, civic discourse, or other related themes.
Winter 2023 Events
Jerry Wallace, MLK Day speaker
Dara Richardson-Heron, Frederik Meijer Lecture Series
GVSU Wind Symphony, Symphony Orchestra, and Concert Band
NPR’s Deborah Amos: “War Crimes”
Model Arab League: Professor Courtney Freer from Emory University
“See No Stranger: An Evening with Valarie Kaur, civil rights leader, lawyer, filmmaker, and author
Suzanne DiMaggio, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “Iran at the Crossroads”
Jazz Ensembles Concert
Fireside Chat, Anita Hitchcock, Grand Rapids City Attorney, with Mayor Rosalynn Bliss
Art Gallery opening: “Convergence: Cracks in the Glass Ceiling”
Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest
“Building Trust Across America, One Relationship at a Time. A conversation between Van Jones and Meghan McCain.”
Mosaic Lecture, with Dr. Joseph Teran, Fellow at the American Mathematical Society
Poetry night with Juan Felipe Herrera
Fall 2023 Events
Tour of Artprize
Campus-to-Campus River Cleanup
Maria Antonia Montes, Senior Program Office from US Institute of Peace, "Conflict and Peace-Building in Latin America"
First Voice Generation, a film about Latin American first-generation students
Faye Richardson-Green, Frederik Meijer Lecture Series
Three Short Films about Rural LGBT Life by Austin Bunn
“Citizens of the World: Global Citizenship and U.S. Foreign Relations” with Christopher McKnight Nichols
Paula Vogel’s The Baltimore Waltz, a play directed by Meijer Honors College Student Katie Rain Auberle
GVSU Concert Band concert
Julie Lesnik, “Edible Insects: The History of Bugs as Food”
GVSU University Arts Chorale
Art Gallery opening: “Stephen Duren: A Life of Painting”
Robin Wall Kimmerer, author of Braiding Sweetgrass
Padnos-Sarosik Civil Discourse Symposium: “Calm the Chaos: Honoring All Voices in Public Education”
Hauenstein Center Wheelhouse Talk: “Stepping into Leadership”