Sequence Spotlights

Gretchen Fulk

Gretchen Fulk

How has this class helped you in your other classes/future career?

This class has given me a broader understanding of the impact that food has across time and space. I have learned about history, culture, art, cuisine, and literature through this class. The projects, activities, speeches, and research required for this class challenge and prepare me for similar assignments in other classes and in my future career. I am majoring in Applied Food and Nutrition and hope to be a Registered Dietitian, so the content of this class will be extremely applicable in my future. It has challenged me to think deeper and more critically about food and all of its complexities both nutritionally, culturally, and symbolically.

Can you talk about an assignment or project that was completed that you enjoyed doing?

We were assigned an end-of-semester project to do on a food or food artifact of our choosing in which we wrote an annotated bibliography and then made a presentation on that particular food. I enjoyed this project because it allowed me to research something that I was interested in while also challenging me to conduct quality research and present my findings well. My partner and I did our project on matcha tea, and we even got to make the tea in front of the class and offer samples to the other students as part of our presentation. Listening to other students and learning about the topics they chose was also very interesting and enjoyable.

What is your biggest takeaway from your sequence?

My sequence has given me a greater appreciation for culture, cuisine, and the complexities of food, and it has given me more confidence in areas such as public speaking, research, and critical thinking. 

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Page last modified March 26, 2024