Sequence Spotlights

Alyson Vikstrom

Alyson Vikstrom

Can you talk about an assignment or project that was completed that you enjoyed doing?

Personally I really enjoyed both Reacting to The Past (RTTP) and the field trips that we went on. Reacting to The Past offered an opportunity to look at an issue from different perspective. It is an interactive way to look at the past and actually understand some underlying motives that political leaders made that have been detrimental for us today. Additionally looking at the Food Empowerment Project allowed me to realize how the decision we make with our food affects much more then us. However, I can not go without saying that exploring downtown was definitely something I enjoyed as well.

How has this class helped you in your other classes/future career?

I took this class because I am very interested in health-related topics. I am a Nursing major with a Spanish minor so learning about food holistically really pertains to the field that I am planning on going into. However, more drastically I feel like I have been more motivated to look at my personal life. I feel like I have become more aware of issues pertaining to food and can make more informed decisions. I feel more confident that we can't just look at one problem without addressing others. Looking at food in more than just eating (ex. looking at food and education, food and culturally, food politically, etc.) has been both fun and humbling at the same time.

What is your biggest takeaway from your sequence?

I would say that one of the major takeaways from this class was we have a choice. Our decisions about what we choose to put into our bodies not only affect our health but also many underlying issues. It is amazing how much I entered into the beginning of this sequence sure about where I stood on food, and not even realizing that there was much more than I thought! I would suggest being more curious and open-minded to contrary pre-disposed opinions because it often times surprises you how much you don't know.


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Page last modified March 26, 2024