Mission, Vision, Values & Program Goals


To provide outstanding community-focused hospitality and tourism professionals with dynamic management and leadership skills grounded in significant, contemporary industry experience.



To continue to be a premium, regional provider of Hospitality and Tourism education by emphasizing a contemporary curriculum, experiential learning and stakeholder engagement in a nurturing, student-focused environment.


  • Teaching Excellence
  • Collaboration with Stakeholders (students, alumni, industry and community partners)
  • A Unique Culture of Collegiality and Inclusion
  • Applied Scholarship, Service and Life-Long Learning


  • Apply principles of leadership in employment and community
  • Apply business principles to the unique characteristics and demands of the hospitality and tourism industry
  • Demonstrate a high degree of professionalism in work habits and communication skills
  • Demonstrate a high level of service quality in diverse settings / populations
  • Analyze and solve problems using qualitative and quantitative tools
  • Demonstrate mastery of selected human resource management skills via portfolio and presentation

What do students like about the HTM program at GVSU?

  • Small class sizes (largest HTM class is approximately 30 students, the mean size is 25).
  • An applied teaching philosophy (making sense of the theory to practice which is crucial in a professional major such as HTM).
  • Flexibility in their academic plans (we will work one-on-one with students to customize a part of their HTM education to suit their individual career goals).
  • Welcoming culture (all faculty are approachable and prioritize teaching and student development).
  • Sound business underpinning to the curriculum (our students only have to take two classes (six credits) in the Business School to obtain a business minor).
  • Three levels of academic support. Students work with an academic advisor, a faculty mentor and our internship coordinator to complement their classroom studies with sound practical internships.
  • Faculty-led, study abroad opportunity to Costa Rica, and previous opportunities offered to the Cannes International Film Festival.
  • A strong, professional relationship with faculty (faculty are engaged in student-led events and often seek to take students to professional conferences). The department has sponsored a number of students to accompany Professor Rood to the Resort and Commercial Recreation Association (RCRA) conference.
  • Other related activities include class trips to vineyards, food production operations, hotel and convention center tours, faculty-led experiences such as attending the Munising Ice Festival, and other events. All these activities are designed to embrace our 'applied teaching and learning philosophy'.
  • Active HTM student club.

This is just a sample of the many activities one can engage in. We encourage student participation as a way of enhancing educational development.

Please explore our website further for more examples and news on student involvement in these types of projects.

For questions, please contact us at htm_department@gvsu.edu.

Page last modified June 2, 2022