Volunteer Team

Downtown Grand Rapids Inc - Grand Rapids, Michigan


Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. is looking for volunteers to help us at Return to the River, a FREE Music & Art Festival!

Festival dates are Saturday, August 24 & Sunday, August 25. 

Shifts are in two-hour increments (see attached flyer for registration information). You will receive a free volunteer shirt upon arrival, along with snacks & beverages. Lunch / dinner for volunteers on duty at that time will also be provided.

Volunteer sign-up will be open until June 14th!




Type of Position: Volunteer Opportunity
Segment of Industry: Volunteer Opportunity
Salary: Unpaid
Hours: 2+

Company Information

Downtown Grand Rapids Inc
29 Pearl NW Suite 1
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
Contact: Pia Lu

How To Apply

Fill out the form here

Application Deadline: June 14, 2024

Additional Information

If you have any questions, please reach out to DGRI's Event Coordinator, Pia Lu at [email protected]

Attached Document

Download attachment

Posted: 6/6/24