Student Resources

Welcome to our cybersecurity resources page! Whether you're just beginning to explore cybersecurity or looking to expand your expertise, we've got you covered. Here, you’ll find a variety of resources, including beginner-friendly guides, certification sites, cybersecurity organizations, and information on upcoming cybersecurity competitions that students can participate in. Our goal is to share valuable information with those looking to enter the cybersecurity field and to support those already in the field in upskilling, networking, and engaging with more content.

Middle School Resources (Grade 6-8)

Importance of Strong Passwords

  • Strong passwords protect your online accounts from unauthorized access. Create passwords at least 12 characters long, combining uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Avoid easily guessable information like names or birthdates.
  • For more tips on creating strong passwords, you can refer to the resources on this link.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

  • MFA adds an extra security layer by requiring multiple verification methods, such as a password plus a fingerprint or a code sent to your phone. This ensures that even if your password is compromised, attackers can't access your account without the additional factor.
  • To learn more about MFA, you can check out the resources on this link.

Simple Encryption Techniques

  • Encryption secures your data by converting it into a code readable only with a decryption key. Use tools like SSL/TLS for internet data and encryption software for sensitive files to protect your information from unauthorized access.
  • For more examples of simple encryption techniques, you can refer to resources on's cybersecurity resources.

Common Password Attacks

  • Password attacks include brute force (trying many combinations), phishing (tricking you into revealing your password), and keylogging (recording your keystrokes). Defend against these by using strong, unique passwords, enabling MFA, and being cautious with emails and websites.
  • For further information you can visit the resources on this link.


Identifying Threats

  • Learn to recognize phishing emails, suspicious social media accounts, and text messages. Look for signs like unfamiliar senders, urgent requests, and links or attachments that seem out of place. Be cautious of messages asking for personal information.
  • Some resources that cover these include Cybersecurity Lab from NOVA LabsCyberSafeKids.

Common Malware

  • Malware includes viruses, which can corrupt files and damage systems, and other harmful software like ransomware and spyware. Viruses often spread through infected email attachments or downloads.
  • For more information you can check out the following Ransomware Reference Materials for Students, Computer Virus, Malware

Safe Browsing Practices

Social Engineering

  • Social engineering involves manipulating individuals into revealing personal information. Be cautious of unsolicited requests for details like passwords or account numbers. Verify the identity of anyone asking for sensitive information.
  • To learn more watch this video.

Protecting Your Information Online

  • Safeguard your personal information by using strong, unique passwords and enabling multi-factor authentication. Avoid sharing personal details on public platforms and be mindful of the information you post.
  • To learn more watch these videos on Internet Safety and Security and Safe Web Surfing.

Controlling Privacy Settings

  • Regularly review and adjust privacy settings on social media and apps to limit who can see your information. Customize settings to control what personal data is shared and with whom.
  • For more information on managing privacy settings, visit Experian or watch this video on Online Privacy.


  • Cyberbullying involves using digital platforms to harass or threaten others. Protect yourself by blocking and reporting bullies, keeping evidence of bullying, and seeking support from trusted individuals. For more information on cyberbullying, visit NetSmartz.

Grades 4-6 Resources

How Computers Read Information

  • Computers use binary language. Binary code is like a secret language that computers use to talk to each other. Instead of using letters and words like we do, computers use just two numbers, 0 for 'no' and 1 for 'yes'.
  • More information can be found on the following sites; What is Binary Code? , Hour of Code

Networks and Protocols

  • Computer networks are groups of computers that connect and share information. To understand computer networks better you can check out these resources explaining networks and the internet
  • Protocols are like the agreed-upon rules for how those computers talk to each other. These rules make sure the information gets sent and received correctly.


  •  Malware is malicious software designed to harm or exploit computers and networks. Types of malware include viruses, worms, and spyware. Understanding how malware spreads and affects systems helps you recognize and defend against cyber threats. This video can help understand malware better.

Secure Usernames and Passwords

  • When creating a username for an online account, choose one that doesn’t reveal personal information, such as your full name, birthdate, or address. Make it unique and not easily guessable. Keep your username private and don’t share it with anyone you don’t trust. Use different usernames for different accounts to enhance security.

  • This video explains the importance of coming up with strong credentials.

What to Share Online

  • Only share necessary information and not too personal. Avoid sharing your full name, address, phone number, or other sensitive details publicly.

  • Use privacy settings on social media and other online platforms to control who can see your information. Be mindful of what you post and share only with trusted individuals.

  • If you’re unsure about someone, don’t share personal information with them. Talk to a trusted adult or friend for advice, and always prioritize your safety.

  • To learn more about staying safe online, check out the following resources; Online Privacy for Kids, Healthy Habits Online, Safety Habits

Digital Footprint

  • Your digital footprint is like a trail of footprints you leave behind online. Everywhere you go on the internet, like visiting websites or playing games, it's like leaving a little mark.

  • This footprint can include things you post, like pictures or messages, but also things websites collect, like the games you play or the videos you watch.

  • To learn more check out the following resources; What is a digital footprint?, Code Avengers, Online Safety for kids

Identity Theft

  • Identity theft is when someone takes your personal information, like your name or birthday, and pretends to be you without asking. It's like if someone found your lost library card and used it to check out books. They might use your information to buy things or do bad stuff, which can cause you problems because people might think you did those things.
  • If someone steals your identity, here are some simple steps you can follow:
  1. Tell a trusted adult: Let your parents, teacher, or another trusted adult know right away. They can help you figure out what to do next.
  2. Stop using affected accounts: If you know which account was stolen, like a game account or an email, stop using it for a while.
  3. Change your passwords: Make new, strong passwords for your accounts. Use different passwords for each account to keep them safe.
  4. Check your accounts: Look at your other accounts to see if anything looks strange or different. Tell an adult if you see something that doesn’t seem right.
  5. Report the theft: With the help of an adult, report the theft to the website or company where your information was stolen. 
  6. Be careful in the future: Be extra careful with your personal information. Don’t share it with people you don’t know or trust.

Spam Messages

  • Spam messages are like junk mail that you get in your email or text messages. They are messages sent by people you don't know, trying to sell you things or trick you. 
  • To spot a spam message look for signs of phishing, such as unfamiliar senders, misspelled words, urgent language, or suspicious links. Verify the sender’s identity before responding or clicking on any links.
  • If you receive a suspicious message do not respond or click on any links. Report the message to a trusted adult who can help report it to your service provider or the relevant platform, and delete it to avoid potential scams.
  • For more information you can check out the following; spam explained, spamming facts for kids

Page last modified June 25, 2024