Memorandum of Understanding Process

Before bringing an international cohort to GVSU, a Memorandum of Understanding between your Unit and the Sending Institution must be reviewed and approved by the Provost.  This process typically includes identifying the purpose of the cohort, the resources needed, the courses to be offered, legal ramifications, and immigration needs.  Additionally, several offices across campus provide feedback to ensure that the program meets GVSU’s legal obligations as well as our mission.

Memorandum of Understanding Process

Step 1. To begin the process, you and your unit head should write and submit a proposal and seek approval from your Dean.   

The Proposal should detail:

              Courses offered to the students

              Resources (human and financial)

              Expected Time Frame

              Target Audience

              Funding and Budget

              Benefit to College

              Benefit to GVSU

Proposal must be signed by Unit Head and Dean of the College

Step 2. Submit proposal to the Chief International Officer in PIC for review.  Chief International Officer will suggest revisions, if necessary. Otherwise, it will be moved to the next step.

Step 3.  Chief International Officer will submit proposal to University Counsel’s office for review. University Counsel will suggest revisions, if necessary. Otherwise, it will be moved to the next step.

Step 4. University Counsel will submit proposal to Provost’s Office for approval and signature. Provost’s office will suggest revisions if necessary, otherwise it will be approved.

Step 5.  Approved and signed proposal is sent by GVSU Unit to overseas partner for counter signature

Step 6. Countersigned agreement is received by Unit. Copies are forwarded to Provost's Office and Padnos International Center.

Page last modified May 11, 2018