Unit Responsibilities
- Unit is responsible to send letter of invitation (if appropriate)..
- Unit will collect all admission materials (application, transcript, proof of English proficiency, proof of financing) and submit to the Padnos International Center for review.
- Unit must decide whether PIC will send the immigration documents to the students or to the Unit for distribution to the students.
- Unit is responsible to work with Housing to arrange appropriate living accommodations. It is most likely that the students will be considered part of the “camps and conferences” program that Housing administers. Email: housing@gvsu.edu for details.
- Unit is responsible to arrange transportation to and from airport for students.
- Unit serves as primary contact for students for duration of program.
- Unit is responsible for ensuring that students abide by the GVSU Student Code of Conduct. Specific areas that may be new (or maybe just stricter at GVSU) and should be highlighted: alcohol and drug use, prevention of sexual assault, smoking policy, and plagiarism.
- Unit is responsible to arrange for a time for the students to receive their GVSU Student ID cards. Email: regdept@gvsu.edu to make arrangements.
- Unit is responsible to arrange for any on campus food needs directly with Campus Dining. Campus dining options are limited during the Spring/Summer.
- Unit is responsible to request the official transcripts from transcripts@gvsu.edu and then forward the transcripts to the students after successful completion of the academic program.