Executive Committee End of Year Report 2022-2023

Committee Members From This Past Year

Brian Eikenhout (Chair)
Mackenzie Prins (Vice Chair)
Kary Wickham (Secretary)

Vacancies for F23/W24

Secretary (3 year term)

During the past year, how did the committee work positively impact your advising skills?

  1. Increased awareness and understanding of current university developments that impact advising policies and procedures.
  2. Strengthened connections with other advisors across the university, both within our committee and across other LAAN committees, allowing for more open lines of communication in our work with students.
  3. Built confidence and practiced communication, leadership, and critical thinking skills.

What accomplishments did your committee achieve during this past academic year? Projects and initiatives worked on?

  1. Worked with TSOR committee to review survey
  2. Collaborated with Standards Committee to compile campus advising data
  3. Oversaw and supported work of LAAN committees and larger advising community
  4. Represent LAAN at Undergraduate Academic Advising Leadership Council Meetings
  5. Checked in with advising directors regarding plan for first-year required advising

What work will you carry over that was unfinished to the next academic year?

  1. Create a newsletter that will provide a summary of committee work and advising initiatives at the end of fall and winter semesters
  2. Collaborate with directors about best practices for first-year required advising
  3. Assess the responsibilities of each committee and evaluate how to best manage this with advisor workload

What benefits would advisors gain by joining your committee for F23/W24?

  1. Exposure to a broader range of perspectives and ideas from other members of the advising community that will help develop a more comprehensive understanding of the academic advising landscape at GVSU.
  2. The opportunity to advocate for the needs and concerns of academic advisors and their students at a higher level within the Laker Academic Advising Network and GVSU.
  3. The ability to collaborate with other stakeholders and weigh in on policies and procedures related to academic advising that align with the values and priorities of the various advising communities.

Page last modified June 2, 2023