Professional Advising Data 2022

On this page you will find information about the number of appointments conducted by over 50 professional advisors spread throughout 9 advising centers. These professional advisors are expected to be knowledgeable about major curriculum and general education and university requirements, as well as university, college and department academic policy and procedure and university resources for appropriate referrals.  While one-on-one meetings comprise a major part of the work they do, this data does not account for the number of follow-up emails, referrals, and additional communication completed after each appointment. The university is implementing a new assessment system and data will be shared as it becomes available in the future. 

Total Number of Appointments*


Appointments by Category

First-Year Advising and Registration
Transfer Student Advising and Registration
Distinct Students

*Data above reflects activity from 8/15/2021-8/14/2022

Page last modified May 30, 2023