Class Connections

The Social Justice and Water page is designed to be a resource for learning about the issues pertaining to water that affect disadvantaged communities locally and abroad. Learn more about these communities through media recommendations and other resources. 


Explore the Resources and Media specifically curated to be all about water. Check out the movies and books with water topics and themes for class or in your own free time, and take advantage of games, music, videos, and more.


Making Waves Advocacy is a place to find chances to continue to advocate for water-related issues even during difficult times. Participate in the programs specifically geared towards water advocacy or simply explore the great work that others are doing.


Check out the Forums to see where the conversation about water is at and where it's heading.

Get an idea of how other schools, organizations, and individuals outside of Grand Valley are exploring the impact of water on their lives with these Outside Connections. From research to advocacy and awareness, this resource can offer more breadth to our depth of work as an initiative.


Grand Valley's exploration of water doesn't stop with Making Waves. Organizations like the Annis Water Resources Institute and programs like the Environmental and Sustainability Studies program are just some of the internal GV Water Reservoir.

Take a look the list of water-related art pieces as a part of the Gallery Water Works. Pieces range from oil paintings to sculptures to photographs and capture both realism and abstraction in their subject matter. The list is expansive but is still just a sample of the many works related to water that are a part of our collection.


Discover Online Diversions to learn more about water and its impact on our world from the comfort of your own computer. Online Diversions includes simulations and mobile apps that allow you to explore different aspects of water.

Page last modified July 6, 2020