GVSU, Muskegon County and EGLE celebrate 20 years of water quality testing on state beaches
July 31, 2020
Grand Valley students and researchers have monitored water quality at many beaches for 20 years.
GVSU researchers take samples along length of Grand River to assess its health
July 9, 2020
Peter Wampler, professor of geology, led the project that is part of the Making Waves initiative.
Making Waves will help sponsor virtual event about Grand River conservation, resiliency
May 6, 2020
The event will feature area water experts discussing the health and resiliency of the waterway.
The importance of the Grand River and efforts to protect it will be the subject of virtual presentation
April 6, 2020
The presentation, "Past and Present Effects of Dredging the Grand River" is set for 7 p.m. April 9.