2017 Research Cohort

Carly Anderson 

Carly Anderson

Reflections on Ancient Self-conceptions
Faculty Mentor: David Crane, Philosophy

Maria Hamming 

Maria Hamming

Counting Color: Biracial Activism in the Black Lives Matter Era
Faculty Mentor: Louis Moore, History 

Adrian Hernandez 

Adrian Hernandez

Retrospective and Anticipated Regret for Self and Other: Implications for Health Behavior Decision-Making
Faculty Mentor: Amanda Dillard, Psychology 

Haley Hulan

Haley Hulan

Bury Your Gays: History, Usage, and Context
Faculty Mentor: Danielle Demuth, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 

Ryan Lietzau

Ryan Lietzau

Statistical Modeling of Multiple Sclerosis Patients' Cognitive Data
Faculty Mentor: Dan Frobish, Statistics 

Liyah Marshall

Liyah Marshall

The Effect of CRF2 Receptor Regulation on Depressive-Like Behaviors During Protracted Ethanol Withdrawal
Faculty Mentor: Glenn Valdez, Psychology 

Christian Miller

Christian Miller

Characterizing the Cellular Function of Protein Phosphatase 1 Isoforms
Faculty Mentor: Ruijie Liu, Biomedical Sciences 

Mitchell Mockerman

Mitchell Mockerman

Men of the Fur Trade, ca. 1620-1770s
Faculty Mentor: Gabriele Gottlieb, History 

Vauwn Nghiem-Olson

Vauwn Nghiem-Olson

The Effect of Social Exclusion on Perceptions of Poverty and American Identity
Faculty Mentor: Kristy Dean, Psychology 

Miranda Owen

Miranda Owen

Denying Atrocities: Comparing Policies and Pressures in Turkey and Japan
Faculty Mentor: George Lundskow, Sociology 

Darwin Perry

Darwin Perry

The Black Church and Communal Empowerment
Faculty Mentor: Joel Wendland, Liberal Studies 

Keegan Richards

Keegan Richards

Non-moral Considerations on the Civil Rights Narrative
Faculty Mentor: Jeffrey Byrnes, Philosophy 

Amber Sackett

Amber Sackett

The Anti-Islam Narrative in Diderot's Entry "Sarrasins" for the  Encyclopédie (1751-1772)
Faculty Mentor: David Eick, Modern Languages and Literatures 

Facundo Santome

Facundo Santome

The Effect of CRF2 Activation on Anxiety-Like Behaviors During Prolonged Alcohol Withdrawal
Faculty Mentor: Glenn Valdez, Psychology 

Kristin Schepke

Kristin Schepke

Genetic Connectivity of Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnakes in Michigan
Faculty Mentor: Jennifer Moore, Biology 

Page last modified September 24, 2020