Meet our 2023 Research Cohort!

Louis Cousino

McNair Scholar 2023


Louis Cousino, Sociology Major

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Rachel Campbell

Research: Exploring How Students' Sense of Identity Impacts Their Relationship with Their Faculty Mentors

Troy Conlay

McNair Scholar 2023


Troy Conlay, Mathematics Major

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Darren Parker

Research: The "Lights Out!" Game on Threshold Graphs

Courtney Earl

McNair Scholar 2023


Courtney Earl, Psychology Major

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Natashia Swalve

Research: Cannaboid Influence on Eating Motivation in Rodents

Jada Thomas

McNair Scholar 2023


Jada Thomas, Psychology Major

Faculty Mentor: Mr. Mikhila Wildey

Research: Perceived Support & Belongingness Among Groups of Underrepresented & Majority Graduate Students

Melania Rocha

McNair Scholar 2023


Melanie Rocha, Accounting Major

Faculty Mentor: Jonathan Brignall
Research: The Earned Income Tax Credit

Cruz Flores-Calde

McNair Scholar 2023


Cruz Flores-Calde, Psychology Major

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Amanda Dillard

Research: A Prospective Study on Trait Mindfulness and its association with Emotional Regulation

Lilly Helsel

McNair Scholar 2023


Lilly Helsel, Chemistry Major

Faculty Mentor: Brittland DeKorver

Research: Predicting and Learning in the Chemistry Classroom

Jessica Gray

McNair Scholar 2023


Jessica Gray, Psychology Major

Faculty Mentor: Natashia Swalve

Research: Cannabinoids Influence on Eating Motivation in Rodents

Sam Fisher

McNair Scholar 2023


Sam Fisher, Psychology Major

Faculty Mentor: Jamie Owen-Deschryver

Research: Suicidality in Autistic College Students

Maria Rocha

McNair Scholar 2023


Maria Rocha, Music Education Major

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Beth Gibbs

Research: Culturally Responsive Teaching in Music Education

Cody Garrison

McNair Scholar 2023


Cody Garrison, Sociology Major

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jerry Johnson

Research: Capitalism's Impact on Native Americans in Michigan

Breezy Rusher

McNair Scholars 2023


Breezy Rusher, History Major

Faculty Mentor: David Zwart

Research: Voices in the Void

Zachary Spencer

McNair Scholar 2023


Zachary Spencer, Psychology  Major

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Benjamin Walsh

Research: Achieving Vocational Fulfillment: Exploring the Links Between Satisfaction of Basic Psychological Needs at Work and Perceived Eork as a Calling

Brooklyn Smithers

McNair Scholar 2023


Brooklyn Smithers, Criminal Justice Major

Faculty Mentor: Jennifer Marson

Research: The experience of students of color in a primarily white institution. 

Luis Vidal

McNair Scholars 2023


Luis Vidal, Biomedical Science Major

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Frank Sylvester

Research: Are Commercially Available Beet Powders Actually Good for You?

Rachel Robinson

McNair Scholars 2023


Rachel Robinson, Behavioral Neuroscience Major

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Anna Hammersmith

Research: Enhancing Access to Study Abroad Resources for First- Generation Students: A Qualitative Study

Jessica DelGreco

Jessica DelGreco


Jessica Delgreco, Social Work Major

Faculty Mentor: Dr Joshua Bishop

Research: Pet Ownership, Self-Care, and the Well-Being of Mental Health Professionals

Page last modified August 1, 2024