2009 Research Cohort

Marcus Bell

Marcus Bell

Reflections of Whiteness: The Origins, Progression, and Maintenance of White Supremacy as a Cultural, Political, and Economic Force in American institutions
Faculty Mentor: George Lundskow, Sociology

Neil Biegalle

Neil Biegalle

Investigations in the Geometry of Polynomials
Faculty Mentor: Matthew Boelkins, Math

Alfredo Coren-Hernandez

Alfredo Coren-Hernandez

An Exploration of Language, Culture and Limited Perspectives
Faculty Mentor: Judy Whipps, Liberal Studies

Ebony Cross

Ebony Cross


Heather Danhof

Heather Danhof

Nestling Oral Microbial Colonization in Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor)
Faculty Mentor: Patrick Thorpe, Biology

Wendi Jo Ervin

Wendi Jo Ervin

Co-Localization of Histamine and eGFP in the Central Nervous System of Drosophila melanogaster
Faculty Mentor: Martin G. Burg, Biomedical Sciences

Delia Fernandez

Delia Fernandez

From Soldadera to Adelita: The Depiction of Women During the Mexican Revolution
Faculty Mentor: David Stark, History

Anne McNeely

Anne McNeely

Assessing the Utility of Genetic Data as a Monitoring Tool: A Case Study of Eastern Red Bats (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae: Lasiurus borealis)
Faculty Mentor: Amy Russell, Biology

Mallory Morell

Mallory Morell

Quaternary Geology, Toco, Trinidad, West Indies
Faculty Mentor: John Weber, Geology & Pablo Llerandi-Roman, Geology

Kurt O'Hearn

Kurt O'Hearn

Computer-Aided Student Study Group Formation
Faculty Mentor: Roger Ferguson, Computing & Information Services 

Tammy Stambaugh

Tammy Stambaugh

Development of the Innate Immune Response in Nestling Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor)
Faculty Mentor: Michael Lombardo, Biology

Page last modified November 14, 2019