2012 Research Cohort
Beth Bjorkman
The Fixed Points of the Columnar Transposition Cipher
Faculty Mentor: Robert Talbert, Mathematics
Adam Burl
The Touchiest Topic in High School: A Textual Analysis of Public High School Policies Regarding Student-to-student Touch
Faculty Mentor: Danielle Wiese Leek, Communications
Thomas Ewing
Individual Contexts Versus Group Contexts
Faculty Mentor: Ernest Park, Psychology
Natalie Gallagher
Exercise Science
Karel Lill
Comparative Theories of Visual Art and Music: May I Play You a Picture?
Faculty Mentor: Lee Copenhaver, Music
Mayra Sanchez
History of Emotional and Physical Abuse and Parenting
Faculty Mentor: Mary Bower Russa, Psychology
Stephanie Sicard
Female Truck Drivers: Negotiating Identity in a Male Dominated Environment
Faculty Mentor: Janet Brashler, Anthropology
Shawnkeisha Stoudamire
From the African American Oral Tradition to Slam Poetry: Rhetoric and Stylistic
Faculty Mentor: Veta Tucker, English
Malachi Sullivan
Bridgett Vanderhoof
From Politics to "Popular": Commercialization of Broadway Musicals and How It Affects the Public Sphere
Faculty Mentor: James Bell, Communications
Kelsey Winiarski
Inventing a Mexican Cubism: Diego Rivera in Paris
Faculty Mentor: Kirsten Strom, Art & Design
Shawn Wooster
From the Enlightenment to Genocide: The Evolution and Devolution of Romanian Nationalism
Faculty Mentor: Jason Crouthamel, History