B.S. Exercise Science: Clinical Emphasis Graduates
Adam Krol
I believe the field of exercise can transform the way we look at healthcare. My favorite quote is "When the why is clear, the how becomes easy."
Noah Lindhout
I will be using my clinical exercise foundation as a springboard into physician assistant school next fall in Nashville at Lipscomb University whereafter I hope to practice in orthopaedics or heart/vascular surgery.
Chelsea Longoria
I am graduating with my Bachelors degree in Clinical Exercise Science and will be applying to Physical Therapy school this summer! Also this summer I will be marrying the most amazing man!! Things may seem hard at times but you weren’t meant to do easy things. Good things are coming!!
Christopher John Markules
"There may be people who have more talent than you, but there's no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do." - Derek Jeter
Nico Martini
"When you feel like quitting think about why you started."
Madalyn Palmer
Attending University of St. Augustine for my Doctor of Physical Therapy degree!
Raquel Racette
I love true crime shows!
Abigail Rosinski
Don't live someone else's dream, find your own.
Rebekah Simmons
B.S. Exercise Science - Clinical Emphasis
Michael Williams
"Don't ever play yourself"
Brianna Wisti
At GVSU, I was involved in Club Sports as the president of the Strength Club. As a member of the team, I competed in both weightlifting and powerlifting. At one of the powerlifting meets, I broke 9 state records, including the Open Women record with a 375# deadlift.