Frequently Asked Questions in FIT

Do I need to attend class? 
Simply put - yes.  FIT classes are activity-based classes where students participate in experiential learning.  Whether in-person, online-synchronous, online-asynchronous, or a weekend intensive, students must be present in class to earn credit.  Professors have attendance policies that are explained the first day of class as well as in the course syllabus.


What do I do if I get injured? 

If you get injured during a class no matter the severity, please tell your instructor right away and discuss the following options which are:

  1. Students may go the Injury Care Clinic for a free evaluation.  Click the link for more information
  2. Students may go to the Campus Health Center.  Click on the link for more information
  3. Student may go to their own health care provider.
  4. If the injury renders you unable to transport yourself, we will phone the GVSU Public Safety for on-site assistance.
  5. An incident/accident report will be completed by GVSU faculty if your injury took place during class.


If I have an injury/disability can I enroll in a FIT class? 
If you are unable to complete or are concerned about registering for a course because of your abilities, disabilities, or a short-term injury, we will do everything we can to accommodate your individual situation.  Please contact the FIT Course Coordinator, Karol Tiemersma, for guidance: or 331-8890.


I have an injury do I need to attend FIT class? 
Even with an injury you still need to attend class.  Please email your professor and share if you are injured and cannot participate fully in class.  Your professor will provide an accommodated workout and/or alternative assignment to do in class to help you engage with the lesson content.


How do I know if I have a concussion? 
If you suspect that you have a concussion and it happened during class, please tell your instructor. Your instructor will then walk you through the proper steps to facilitate your assistance and safety.  If you think you have a concussion from the result of something that happened outside of class, inform you instructor and seek appropriate medical care.  See the options for care on campus in the question, “What do I do if I get injured?”  

For more information on concussions, here is a link to the CDC information:


Do I need a textbook or specific equipment? 
Each FIT course varies regarding textbooks and equipment. This information will be listed on the course syllabus provided by your instructor.


Can I make it to my next class in 10 minutes after a FIT class? 
That all depends…

  • If your class is held off campus, you will have to check the travel time back to campus and parking options.
  • If you are leaving a swimming class and need to change, you will need to take that time of transition into account.
  • If you are at the boathouse or driving range, you may have a tight connection and should do a practice trip to see if it is doable.  
  • If you do not mind going to class sweaty, you should be able to make it to another class. 


Why is there a course fee? 
As a department, we try to limit the extra costs of course fees.  However, there are times when the cost of the course includes equipment or facility rental, travel expenses, and/or certification costs that are not covered by student tuition.  Specific course fees may be found in Banner when registering for the course.


If you have any other questions not addressed here, please contact the FIT Course Coordinator, Karol Tiemersma, for more information: or 331-8890.

Page last modified August 13, 2024