HPE Scoop

Leave No Trace

Leave No Trace

Dr. Ingrid Johnson has been actively involved with Leave No Trace (LNT), a leading organization dedicated to promoting the responsible enjoyment and protection of outdoor spaces. The principles of Leave No Trace are integrated into her HPE 260 - Outdoor Pursuits course, where she educates students on sustainable outdoor practices.

Recently, Dr. Johnson attended the Leave No Trace Global Summit in Boulder, Colorado, where she engaged with scholars and outdoor educators from around the world. This international gathering brought together leaders, researchers, advocates, and members of the LNT community to exchange ideas, share sustainability initiatives, and advance environmental education and stewardship.

Key sessions at the summit covered topics such as teaching the 7 LNT principles, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in outdoor spaces, research on the impact of overuse, challenges related to human and pet waste, and a presentation by astronaut Kjell Lindgren on the planetary effects observed from space. 

Dr. Johnson is pursuing her Level 1 and Level 2 LNT certifications, which will enable her to teach and certify HPE students in the Leave No Trace principles. While in Colorado, she was also lucky to see the Northern Lights. 


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Page last modified October 17, 2024