HPE Scoop

Dr. Johnson Explores Physical Education in Finland and Norway

Dr. Johnson Explores Physical Education in Finland and Norway

"The Scandinavian countries, particularly Finland, are renowned for their exceptional educational systems and emphasis on outdoor education. During my visits to local schools, including Pk-college in Finland and Norway, I had the opportunity to observe firsthand their innovative approaches to physical education and nature engagement.

A notable Norwegian saying, “Det finnes ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlig klær!” translates to “There is no bad weather, only bad clothes!” This phrase encapsulates the Scandinavian attitude towards outdoor activity, a sentiment I frequently encountered throughout my travels. The region is characterized by an abundance of green spaces and parks, designed to encourage year-round outdoor activity by people of all ages and abilities.

In these countries, students participate in a diverse range of physical activities as part of their physical education curriculum. Additionally, nature plays a significant role in other classes throughout the school day. For example, in Norway, students are required to learn water safety and open water swimming year-round, utilizing the lakes and fjords as their training grounds. Similarly, the Finnish national curriculum for physical education emphasizes life skills and leverages the changing seasons as dynamic learning environments, promoting frequent outdoor activities.

The path to becoming a teacher in Scandinavia is notably rigorous and competitive. All teachers are required to hold a Master’s degree to qualify for a teaching position. This high standard reflects the countries' commitment to educational excellence.

We have much to learn from the exemplary educational practices in these remarkable countries."

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