Faculty Support

Faculty teaching hybrid and online courses have a wide variety of places to turn to for help. Here are just a few of the groups around campus supporting faculty and eLearning.


  • The Robert and Mary Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning Center is staffed by tenured faculty consultants with a range of disciplinary and pedagogical expertise.
  • The Pew FTLC works with individual faculty, departments, or other groups looking to refine their teaching and learning efforts. The topics of our workshops, peer learning opportunities, and confidential individual consultations are varied and meet the needs of beginning as well as seasoned instructors. For example, we assist faculty in solidifying student learning objectives, preparing curricular roadmaps, selecting assessment methods, and designing engaging student activities. Customized workshops for individuals, departments, or groups of faculty are available through the Pew FTLC.

eLearning Technologies

  • As part of the Information Technology Department, eLearning Technologies provides a wide array of services and resources designed to facilitate the support of faculty teaching hybrid and online classes. The eLearning team supports faculty through instructional design, digital media creation, seminars, workshops and individual consultations on how to effectively use and integrate innovative instructional technologies into teaching.
  • The eLearning team provides four key areas of assistance:
    • Instructional Design for eLearning (IDeL) provides faculty assistance through the “Foundations of Online and Hybrid Course Development” training, individual consultations, and seminars.
    • Teaching with Technology resources and support is provided through seminars and help documentation.
    • The Digital Studio provides assistance to faculty in the creation of media-rich instruction.

University Libraries

  • Every department has a liaison librarian to support all instruction, whether in-class or online. Liaison librarians assist with designing information literacy assignments for specific courses and can participate in your online class discussions and are available for e-mail and phone consultations. They also help identify media and resources to use in your classes and can provide information about copyright and reusing materials.
  • Learn how the library supports online/hybrid courses.
  • Consult the Open Educational Resources Subject Guide, a collection of resources to help GVSU faculty find free, open-licensed textbooks and other educational materials.

Provost's Office

Online Education and Microcredential Council

  • This faculty governance body supports online learning, reviews related policies and practices, and makes recommendations in collaboration with other committees and offices. 

Page last modified June 27, 2024