First Year Advising Hold

What is the First Year Advising Hold?

All students in their First Year at Grand Valley State University are required to meet with an academic advisor before registering for classes for the upcoming academic year. 

This hold does not go into effect until after the first week of classes in the Winter semester.

Registration opens in late March, so we would encourage you to meet with an advisor before your registration date to have your advising hold lifted.

How to have my First Year Advising Hold Lifted?

How To Get Your Hold Lifted?

Meet with an Advisor in a one-on-one advising session. 
- These sessions are 30 minutes long, one-on-one appointments
- Signing up for a one-on-one Advising appointment can be done through Navigate360

In either type of these appointments you will learn about:
-Secondary admission
-General Education
-Classes for your second year at Grand Valley


First-Year Holds FAQs

Students will begin to register for classes in March.
The registrar's office will publish the dates of registration on their website.

It is possible that you might have more than one academic hold on your account. The GVSU's registrar's office has a website dedicated to explain different academic holds and registration errors. 

To view any holds on your account take the following steps: Login to myBanner; Select "Student;" Select "Student Records;" Select "View Holds."

If you have more than one hold on your account, please review the types on the Registrar's site, and take the appropriate steps to have your remaining holds removed. 

If you are thinking about changing your major, we would strongly recommend you meet with an advisor in the major you are planning on continuing your studies in. Every academic area has advisors that specializes in those majors, so you will want to have your academic hold lifted by an advisor who work and advises your new major.

Please check out the Advising Center's Website, which lists every major at GVSU and which College they are located in.

Page last modified March 11, 2024