PCE News

PCEC Remembers Impact of Former School of Engineering Director

July 27, 2021

PCEC Remembers Impact of Former School of Engineering Director

Faculty and staff in the Padnos College of Engineering & Computing are mourning the loss of influential colleague, Dr. Jeff Ray.

Jeff became a faculty member in the GVSU School of Engineering in 1997. During his time at Grand Valley, he introduced our current approach to Senior Design Projects and the Engineering Design Conference, served as the chair of the Mechanical Engineering program, and eventually became the Director of the School of Engineering. Jeff’s commitment to student success, experiential learning, and industry engagement left a permanent mark on the GVSU School of Engineering that continues to benefit students to this day.

Jeff left GVSU in 2007 to join Southern Polytechnic State University in Georgia as the Dean of the School of Engineering Technology & Management, and went on to become Dean of the College of Engineering & Technology at Western Carolina University (WCU). He was well-known and beloved by many PCEC personnel and alumni. Our thoughts are with his family and his colleagues at WCU.

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Page last modified July 27, 2021