Padnos College of Engineering Newsletter

We want to share captivating and industry-relevant stories with you! Whether you are a Padnos College of Engineering (PCE) student, alum, faculty, staff, corporate or community partner, or just have an interest in industry-relevant engineering and OSH education, you can stay informed of PCE activities and accomplishments by signing up for our quarterly newsletter.

If you are a Padnos College alum receiving the newsletter and would prefer for us to reach you at different address, please update your contact information with the GVSU Alumni Association using the Alumni Information Update Form.

PCE Student Services Newsletter

The PCE Student Services office sends out a weekly newsletter to all our declared major students. If you are not currently a declared PCE student and would like to receive our weekly newsletters, please click on the registration link below. Please use this archive to catch up on missed information.

Recent Student Services Newsletters

Visit the Student Services Newsletters website to see all of the newsletters recently sent to students.

Page last modified July 2, 2024