PCE News

School of Engineering Hosts Virtual Engineering Design Conference

August 03, 2020

School of Engineering Hosts Virtual Engineering Design Conference

This year's Engineering Design Conference was unlike any other with virtual sessions and a socially distant Order of the Engineer Ring Ceremony. Co-op employers shared insight on the future of engineering and the impact of COVID-19 on the profession. Engineering students provided virtual presentations on their senior design projects.

Please join us in congratulating the following employers and individuals, who were recognized for their achievements during the Industry Sponsor Appreciation Ceremony:

  • Michael Swistak, Herman Miller: Outstanding Co-op Supervisor
  • Jacob Colling, Koops, Inc.: Outstanding Co-op Student
  • Trevor Ekin, Visiting Faculty, Electrical Engineering: Outstanding Co-op Faculty Advisor
  • Koops, Inc.: Outstanding Co-op Company
  • Autocam Medical: Outstanding Industry Sponsor
  • James Bernard, Evan Czechowicz, Kelly Myers, Nolan Rochon, and Vincent Skorupski, DornerWorks Senior Project Team: Outstanding Senior Project

Visit the Virtual Engineering Design Conference website to watch videos, read about the students' capstone projects, and see the list of this year's project sponsors.

Visit the School of Engineering website.

View the Order of the Engineer Ceremony photo gallery.

Watch the video created by School of Engineering employees to congratulate our engineering graduates.

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Page last modified August 3, 2020