

Matthew Stevens '16

One of my favorite memories at Grand Valley was competing in college athletics on the swim team and making so many memories with all my teammates. Being around 60 of your closest friends for four years was an amazing experience.

Megan Hanselman '18

My favorite memory of being a Grand Valley Student is being a Resident Assistant (RA) for two years. This is a very competitive opportunity that I was fortunate to be a part of for 2 years.

Diane Knight '79

My favorite GV memory was traveling with the football and basketball teams (as a cheerleader) to play in tournaments.

Bridget Hernandez '07

I was very involved in student life and while it kept me busy and was fun to invest my energy and time, I really enjoyed seeing how my efforts combined with fellow students made the whole student experience better for everyone!

Judi Majnun Miller - Lindsey '78

I discovered the love of photography even more deeply at college and had the opportunity to use the large format camera and learn black & white as well as color development of negatives and prints.

Jerry Elkins '70

My favorite GV memory is having Physical Education classes in the old farmhouse.

Manfred Tatzmann '70

Experiencing the wild late 60's Viet Nam era on campus. TJC, although I was not part of it. Being a co-founder of WGVSU radio with two other students. We had a studio in the basement of Seidman and ran it over the cable throughout campus.

Allison Staley '12 & '17

I have so many memories! One of the top ones would be watching our football team win the game that sent them to nationals! The goal post got taken down by the fans rushing the field and we got to take a picture with it.

Karen Kekelik '15

My favorite GV memory was the graduation toast with T.Haas.

Benjamin Parsell '19

During my Junior year, GVSU sent me and three other students to travel out to Palo Alto, CA for a meetup through the University Innovation Fellows.

Page last modified July 1, 2024