Padnos College of Engineering & Computing Alumni

Tell us how you want to connect with PCEC and how we can support you after graduation!

PCEC Alumni Survey

Stay engaged with PCEC after you graduate!

There are various ways to stay involved with the Padnos College of Engineering & Computing after graduation. Volunteer to assist with one of our many K-12 outreach events; sign up for the GVSU alumni speakers bureau and share your expertise in the classroom; support current students by providing co-op, internship, or project experiences; stay informed by subscribing to our newsletters and following us on social media, and give back to the college so that we can develop the next generation of computing, engineering, and occupational safety experts!

Keep your contact information current so that we can stay in touch!

Alumni Resources

Grand Valley State University is committed to continuing to connect with and provide resources to alumni. The university provides a variety of resources to alumni including lifetime career center access and many networking opportunities. Stay connected to fellow GVSU alumni, take advantage of a $1000 scholarship to come back to Grand Valley for future classes, and use the resources available to you to further your career! 

Alumni Outcomes

Curious about what PCEC alumni do after graduation? Check out our PCEC Alumni Outcomes!

Alumni Spotlights

Allow us to feature you! We love sharing stories about all of the great things our alumni are involved in! Share your story by submitting the 'Alumni in 5' Questionnaire below.

GVSU 'Alumni in 5' Questionnaire


David Luke '07 Spotlight

David Luke '07

My favorite GVSU memories are probably related to the group road trips to Florence, Alabama for the 2005 and 2006 Division II National Championship football games.

Becky Seely '89 Spotlight

Becky Seely '89

I remember one weekend, they went around to each room and forced us to go to the football game. I had the best time despite not wanting or planning to go!

Lerenza Howard '07 Spotlight

Lerenza Howard '07

My favorite memory was being a member of the Voices of GVSU. I met some amazing individuals while participating in the choir including our choir director Mama CC. I thoroughly miss our practice sessions and performing together at various events.

Grace Bommarito '12 Spotlight

Grace Bommarito '12

My favorite memory from Grand Valley was meeting my best friend and navigating life together as young adults.

Jennifer Jurgens '03 Spotlight

Jennifer Jurgens '03

During my Freshman year, I played on the Varsity Volleyball Club and absolutely loved the practices and the people I met through our travels. I even went on to play competitive beach volleyball with some of them.

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Page last modified April 11, 2022