Engineering Study and Work Abroad Programs

The Padnos College of Engineering recommends that students complete study abroad through the programs in Switzerland or Italy. However, additional options are available through the GVSU Padnos International Center. Students interested in studying abroad should speak with an academic advisor to discuss the possibilities for their program.

Co-op abroad is only available through domestic employers or in Germany.

Completion of any co-op or study abroad program fulfills the general education Global Perspectives requirement (3 credits), and may fulfill up to 6 credits of the Issues requirement upon submission of the required reflection paper and form.


Wendy Reffeor
Interim Associate Dean, Padnos College of Engineering
Office: 332 Kennedy Hall of Engineering
Phone: (616) 331-6260
Email: [email protected]

Co-op Abroad through Domestic Employer

Eiffel Tower Paris

Preferred Way to Co-op Abroad

The School of Engineering has more than 50 West Michigan industry partners that have foreign operations. Whether you have already begun your co-op, or are looking for your first co-op placement, if you have an interest in working abroad, talk to your current or future employer about the possibility of fulfilling one of your three co-op rotations at one of their foreign facilities. 

Please note that the School of Engineering does not have standing agreements with industry partners to send students on foreign assignments. Students must negotiate such assignments directly with the employer. A number of engineering students have been successful in obtaining a foreign assignment through their domestic co-op employers and have found these experiences to be invaluable.

For more information about this opportunity and procedures to follow visit: Co-op Abroad Through a Domestic Employer.

Co-op and Study Abroad in Lörrach, Germany


Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg – Lörrach (DHBW)

Students can complete their third co-op experience during the fall term in Germany. DHBW offers more than 25 industry partners in a variety of industries. In addition to the co-op experience, students will also be required to take an approved engineering or business course. DHBW Lörrach is located in the tri-national boarder region, with Switzerland and France just moments away. You are certain to have a multi-cultural experience!

For more information about this opportunity and procedures to follow visit: Co-op and Study Abroad at DHBW Lörrach.

Study Abroad in Winterthur, Switzerland (Electrical and Computer Engineering)


Zurich University of Applied Science (ZHAW)

Electrical and Computer Engineering students can complete one semester of full-time study abroad in Switzerland. ZHAW is located in Winterthur, near Zurich, which is in close proximity to the tri-national boarder region of Germany and France. Additionally, Zurich is one of the world’s financial centers and is widely considered to be the banking and chocolate capital of the world. 

For more information on this program, visit ZHAW Overview. Also be sure to read about the ZHAW Scholarship for semester exchange students.

Study Abroad in Rome, Italy

Rome, Italy

John Cabot University (JCU)

Students from around the United States and Italy are enrolled at JCU in Rome, Italy during the summer.  Class sizes are small, generally fewer than 14 students, allowing for more student/faculty interaction.  Classes meet Monday through Thursday, leaving a three day weekend to travel and explore Rome and catch up on studies. JCU offers a variety of student excursions and activities in Rome throughout the semester.

For more information on this program, visit JCU Study Abroad.

Study Abroad in Ankara, Turkey

Rome, Italy

Middle East Technical University (METU)

Engineering students can complete one semester of full-time study abroad in Ankara, Turkey at Middle East Technical University’s main campus. METU is Turkey’s premier international research university with English as the medium of instruction. METU is consistently ranked as one of the best in the country as known as a pioneering university. With an average of only 15 students per lecturer, METU’s student-teacher ratio provides students with the best possible support from professors. Upon completing the exchange, students will join the large network of 140,000 alumni. To learn more about the university, watch this short video.

For more information on this program visit, METU Study Abroad

NB: Multiple engineering courses have been articulated and will be posted to the METU Study Abroad website shortly.

Other GVSU Faculty-led and Non-GVSU Programs

All Engineering students may participate in any faculty-led or non-GVSU summer program, even if it isn't in your major (some restrictions may apply). In order to fulfill the entire general education Issues requirement, look for programs marked as "Issues Friendly." 

Faculty-led programs typically range from 2-8 weeks and take place during the spring/summer semester. Students will travel and take courses with a GVSU faculty member and a group of students.

Browse GVSU Faculty-Led Programs

Students may choose to participate in a Non-GVSU program sponsored by another institution or study abroad organization. While participating in a Non-GVSU program, you will maintain your GVSU student status, earn credits toward your GVSU degree and have access to your GVSU financial aid package.

Browse Non-GVSU Programs

Further questions? Contact a Study Abroad Advisor.

Page last modified July 3, 2024