PCE News

Padnos College of Engineering & Computing Outreach Team Creates A-Z STEM Experiments Website

December 01, 2020

Padnos College of Engineering & Computing Outreach Team Creates A-Z STEM Experiments Website

The Grand Valley State University (GVSU) Padnos College of Engineering & Computing (PCEC) Outreach team has gathered fun and educational A to Z STEM lessons and experiments that can be completed from the comfort of home. The PCEC A to Z STEM Experiments website was created to help kids in grades kindergarten and up remain active with STEM content, despite many children being at home for school due to COVID-19.

On the A to Z STEM Experiments page, you will find a wide variety of activities that include making a solar stem, creating a water clock, and even building your own x-ray. These activities are designed to be engaging, safe, and inspiring for K-12 students of all ages. All of the activities require minimal supplies, and all are labeled with a recommended minimum age to help parents select activities appropriate for their children. 

“The Outreach Department in the Padnos College of Engineering & Computing usually gets to interact with thousands of K-12 students throughout the academic year. With the COVID-19 pandemic modifying face-to-face education, we are not able to take field trips to schools like usual. Instead, we created a collection of simple, engaging STEM activities for parents, kids, and teachers to access,” said Sara Maas, K-12 & Community Outreach Coordinator for the Padnos College. 

“There are no platform logins or passwords required, and every activity includes information on careers or technologies that are associated with that STEM activity," explained Maas. "For example, the activity ‘L is for Layers of the Earth’ gets kiddos involved peeling onions and labeling layers. They also learn why a Geologist might be interested in the layers of the earth."

Visit the PCEC A to Z STEM Experiments page to try them yourself, and to share them with others!

The PCEC Outreach Department is glad to be able to develop resources that help K-12 students to continue their STEM education during these difficult times. 

Additional at-home STEM activities led by PCEC students can be found on the PCEC YouTube channel

To share feedback or photos of your K-12 students completing the experiments, email the Padnos College of Engineering & Computing.

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Page last modified December 1, 2020