Grade Appeal Form

Please use this form if you wish to request a grade appeal for a physics class. Allow three to five business days for the department to respond. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the physics department chair.

* denotes a required field

In the following section, explain your reasoning for the appeal. You must be as specific as possible. Please note that specific does not necessarily mean addressing a single issue; there may be multiple reasons that together support your case. Examples might include regrading exams, looking at specific problems on exams, or addressing concerns about course grading. However, it is important not just to list actions you want to be taken - you must also explain why they should be done.

Please provide an itemized list of any documents you are submitting to the physics department chair for your appeal. These documents may be scanned and sent to [email protected] or brought to the department office in PAD 118. Please submit only the materials needed for the appeal; the physics department chair will request additional information as needed.


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Page last modified August 27, 2024