Committee Charges

Data Group

  • Ensure program review data are clear and useful, with any limitations/caveats defined
  • Consult with Unit Engagement and Analysis & Recommendations Groups to ensure they get data they will find useful to their processes and to ensure everyone involved on a program review group understands the thinking behind using these metrics
  • Consult with unit head advisory group, FSBC, and others on the usefulness and clarity of the data (there is expertise outside of the Data Group membership to draw upon!)
  • Examine trend data in context to assess health of programs and help identify where additional context and review is needed

Unit Engagement Group

  • Coordinate outreach/input to programs and from programs to the process
  • Examine trend data in context to assess health of programs and help identify where additional context and review is needed
  • Learn from talking with program directors/unit heads what is “behind” the data
  • Consult with the Analysis & Recommendations Group around what additional contextualization they will need to the data dashboard

Analysis & Recommendation Group

  • Examine trend data in context to assess health of programs, identifying and taking into account contextual information as needed
  • Discuss and recommend changes that:
    • Improve the quality and health of our programs 
    • Streamline resources where we can and probably should do so

Page last modified February 25, 2021