

  • You must be currently enrolled and attending a production class in PHO, JBM or FVP to use equipment.  Equipment must be used for class projects, unless approved by a faculty member.  
  • Any equipment checked out in your name is your financial responsibility including late fees, damage and loss.
  • You must remain at the check in window until your order is returned to ensure accuracy of returned items.  You are financially responsible for items until they are checked back in.  
  • You must complete a short training in BlackBoard before using the PSR.  This includes a short video and quiz, uploading an ID photo, and agreeing to the PSR policies.  The training can be found in the “Production Support Resources” organization page if you are enrolled in a class the PSR supports.



  • Equipment reservations should be made by email at psr@gvsu.edu
  • Equipment reservations can be made up to one week in advance, it is best to submit your reservations at least 2 days in advance 
  • Reservations must be picked up within one hour of the time of the reservation, you may call or email to change the reservation time.


  • We prefer that room reservations be made in person or by phone at (616) 331-3867
  • Rooms reservations can be made up to one week in advance.

For large reservations (upper-level courses), email:

  • Jim Schaub at schaubj@gvsu.edu for large Film & Video orders (616) 331-3633
  • Sara Alsum-Wassenaar at alsumwas@gvsu.edu for large Photography and Journalism, Broadcasting, and Multimedia orders (616) 331-8175
  • Please copy psr@gvsu.edu on large reservation.



  • Equipment can be checked out for UP TO TWO DAYS during the week or from Thursday or Friday until Monday. You will incur LATE FEES of $10/day for equipment not returned on the due date.
  • Extensions may be granted upon request for up to two days, however once the equipment is late you may not have an extension. 


  • Rooms can be reserved for up to FOUR HOURS. Students are allowed to stay late (after the PSR closes) and the person with the room at closing may stay in the room and is responsible for shutting down the equipment and shutting/locking the door.


  • Please wear a mask and respect the personal space of others. Do not congregate outside of the PSR.
  • Please let us know if you will be late or need to cancel your reservation. (616) 331-3867.
  • All equipment reserved by a student should be picked up and returned by the student who made the reservation. 


  • Return equipment exactly the way it was given to you. All cables should be coiled properly and secured with the given strap. Each individual item should be given to the employee. Do not return the cases with microphones/cables/batteries/etc. still inside. 


If you need special permission for a piece of equipment or an extended checkout contact:

  • Jim Schaub at schaubj@gvsu.edu for Film & Video questions.
  • Sara Alsum-Wassenaar at alsumwas@gvsu.edu for Photography and Journalism, Broadcasting, and Multimedia questions.


  • Students are responsible for the safe return of all equipment on time. Late fees will be assessed at $10 per day and can be paid at: PSR Late Fee


  • You are financially responsible for the equipment you borrow from the PSR, in many cases renters or homeowners insurance will cover the equipment.  
  • You are liable for any late fees incurred on your account. Any equipment brought back damaged or found to be missing will result in a replacement fee. 
  • Until a fee is paid in full, the student will not be allowed to make any reservations (equipment or room). After two late fees, the student's access to equipment will be reviewed. Any fees not paid by the end of the semester roll over into the following semester and privileges will still be withheld at that time until payment is received. 
  • We will contact you many times to return equipment through email, by text, and by phone call.  If 30 days passes from the time the equipment is due the replacement cost for all equipment will be charged to your GVSU student account.  


  •  Lockers are in the basement and must be signed out in the Production Support Resources. Students are to empty their locker by the last day of exam week at the end of the school year. Students are to supply their own locks. Any locks on a locker that has not been signed out may be cut off at any time.

Page last modified July 5, 2023