Biking and Walking Routes


There are various biking and walking routes on the GVSU campus, including both Allendale and the downtown Grand Rapids (Pew) campuses. In addition, West Michigan offers a variety of paths around the campus community.



  • Brisk walking is considered moderate physical activity.
  • Walking reduces your risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, colon cancer, and diabetes.
  • It can help you sleep better at night and Increase your energy levels.
  • You can meet new people and socialize while you are walking!
Image of group biking during Active Commute Week 2017

*The university is supportive of obtaining physical activity throughout the day.  Faculty and staff are welcome to walk building halls (not just designated areas) as a means for exercise while also being cognizant and respectful of students, faculty and staff working in those areas. 

Page last modified January 5, 2022