Equipment Rentals

Let's face it, dorms are small, space is tight, and outdoor gear is expensive! Even if you own your own gear, it's not always practical to bring it with you to college. The solution? The Outdoor Adventure's equipment rental program! We love the outdoors and we believe that a lack of gear shouldn't be what stands between you and a great sunset with friends. 

Outdoor Equipment Rental FAQ's

Outdoor gear rentals are only available to current GVSU students, faculty, & staff.

Graduating Seniors
Unfortunately, graduating seniors are not eligible to check out items at the end of the term they are graduating.

Our inventory focuses primarily on essential backpacking/ camping gear to outfit a group of 10-12 but also contains a few miscellaneous items. Items currently include:

Hike/ Camp

  • Backpacks (internal frame, 60L-75L)
  • Cooksets (pots/ pans) & flatware (plates/ bowls)
  • Crash Pads (for bouldering)
  • Hammocks (single & double)
  • Headlamps
  • Hiking/ Camping stoves
  • Sleeping bags (0, 20, & 30 deg)
  • Sleeping pads
  • Snowshoes
  • Tents (2, 3, & 4 person)


  • Crash Pads
  • Stick Clip
  • Helmets


  • Slackline

We are pleased to announce that as of Fall 2023, there will be no rental fees for checking out gear. However, fees may apply for things like late returns or lost/ damaged gear.

Rentals are facilitated from our Ravines Center location (see map below). This is also the location of our bike maintenance area. It offers convenient parking for up to 15 minutes for pickup & drop off of gear. 
NOTE: OA does not regularly staff this building. We rely heavily on the Mail & Package center hours of operation for rentals.

Rentals are available via reservation any time the Mail & Package service is open. Generally, this is M-F 9a-6p and Sa 10a-2p. For the most up-to-date hours, please check the Mail & Package website.

OA does NOT regularly staff the Ravines Center. Requesting gear at least 2 business days in advance will allow us to best confirm availability and coordinate a pickup. Snowshoe rentals may be available on shorter notice during Winter months.

Ravine center location

The Rental Process

  1. Renter submits the Equipment Rental Request form AT LEAST 2 business days before pickup.
  2. OA staff confirm availability and sends email confirmation OR request for modification within 24 hours
  3. Renter picks-up/ drops-off equipment as agreed

* OA Staff are not normally present at the time of pickup. Any changes to rental items or quantities must be coordinated ahead of time. 

Step 1
Submit the Reservation Request Form

Because our rental center isn't regularly staffed, requests require advanced coordination. Please make equipment requests at least 48 hours before the intended pick up.

Request Equipment

Step 2
Availability and Confirmation

Our staff will check the availability of your items and reply with a confirmation or request for adjustment, usually within 24 hours.

Step 3
Pick up/ Drop off

We utilize a set of lockers inside the Ravines Center's bike maintenance area for coordinating pick up and drop off. Your locker number and combination will be included in the confirmation email. You may then pick up and drop off your items according to the rental agreement any time the building is open. Reference the Residential Mail & Package site for the most up to date hours. Off-hours requests will be considered on a case by case basis.

At pick up and drop off, renters are asked to complete a basic form that communicates with us 1) When you have the gear, 2) When its been returned and 3) any issues you experienced with the gear while it was in your care.

Additional Details

Responsibilities & Expectations

All renters are responsible for:

  • Inspecting their equipment before leaving the Ravines Center & documenting issues on the Pickup form.
  • Returning their equipment on time.
  • Returning each item in the condition it was rented (clean, dry, & free of debris).
  • Accepting all risks and responsibility for any and all claims for damages and injuries suffered while using the rented equipment.

Not-So-Hidden Fees

  • Repair - Fees for damage deemed to not have been caused by normal use (whether intentional or not) will be assessed for all parts and labor required to fix or replace the item (depending on the extent of the damage).
  • Late/ Lost/ Stolen - There is a $10 fee for equipment not returned within 7 days of the due date. Fees for items lost, stolen, or not returned after 14 days past the agreed upon return date will be assessed for the full cost of the replacement plus labor. If the exact item cannot be found or is no longer available on the market, a similar item will be substituted.
  • Cleaning - A $10 fee will be assessed for each item that requires cleaning or drying before being returned to storage.  Exception: Due to specific laundering requirements, please do not wash or dry the sleeping bags.  

Priority Use

The OA equipment inventory serves multiple purposes and availability may be affected by the following priority use schedule.

  1. OA programs and trips
  2. Academic classes
  3. General rentals

Impact: Because OA's most prominent trips happen over the longer breaks, gear availability may be extremely limited for things like Spring Break. We will do our best to place holds on gear as early as possible so available items may be reserved for personal trips. 

Questions about gear?

If you have questions about specific items or the process, please email Joe Bitely, RecWell Assistant Director.

Page last modified September 12, 2024