Community Climb Registration

Register here for our community climb event for all abilities. 

* denotes a required field

Participant Information

Disability Category (helpful for planning purposes)

Waiver and Release

Rock climbing can be enjoyed in an educational/recreational setting with reduced risks by understanding & adhering to the following:

I acknowledge that indoor climbing is inherently dangerous and voluntarily assume the inherent risks involved in indoor rock climbing. These risks might include personal injury or possibly death resulting from my personal health/physical limitations known and unknown, malfunction or misuse of equipment, failure to adhere to proper climbing procedures, failure to acknowledge personal skill levels, decision making, or accidents.

I understand that there are certain medical conditions that may increase a participant’s risk to safely participate in the activity of rock climbing and that they may directly affect the participant’s safety and the safety of other participants. I agree to consult with a physician before becoming involved in this activity if I am unsure about my ability to participate. I acknowledge there are posted rules and warnings around the facility and understand it is the participant’s responsibility to be familiar with them before getting on the wall and adhere to them throughout the visit. Participants are to adhere to all instructions and recommendations of the Climbing Center staff.

GVSU is providing facilities, equipment, educational training and supervision to those who wish to participate in indoor rock climbing. For and in consideration of the opportunity to engage in this activity at the GVSU Climbing Center, I release, acquit, and discharge forever on behalf of myself, my heirs, assigns and personal representatives, GVSU, its agents, officers, employees, successors, volunteers, and representatives from any and all liability, claims, or causes of action that result from my participation with the GVSU Climbing Center’s indoor rock climbing facility.

Signature *

 I certify that I am a legally competent adult 18 years of age or older and have read this paragraph acknowledging the risks of indoor rock climbing and releasing Grand Valley State University, its’ agents, officers, employees, successors, volunteers, and representatives from liability, and I understand and voluntarily sign this form.

Minors are not permitted to sign their own waiver. Please use the link below to print our waiver form so it can be completed by a parent or legal guardian of the minor participant. Completed waivers may be turned into the staff on the day of the event or emailed to [email protected].

Audio Video Release

This is an OPTIONAL waiver. Failure to grant permission WILL NOT affect eligibility to participate.

By signing below, I hereby authorize Grand Valley State University to:

  1. Record my (or minor participant's) likeness and voice on video, audio, photographic, digital, electronic or any other medium.
  2. Use, reproduce, exhibit or distribute in any medium these recordings for any purpose that the University, and those acting pursuant to its authority, deem appropriate, including promotional or advertising efforts.

I give permission to Grand Valley State University to use, without charge and without reservation, my (or minor participant's) likeness in any medium and for any lawful purpose, including promoting the University, its programs and services.

I waive any rights of action I may have and release Grand Valley State University and its licensees from any and all claims I may have arising from my likeness, including any rights to sue for defamation or violation of my rights of
privacy and publicity.


Guest 1

Disability Category (helpful for planning purposes)

Human Verification *

Page last modified September 5, 2024