Application Review Process

All applications for sabbatical leave must be submitted through the electronic system via the sabbatical website. Throughout the review process, recommendations and accompanying justifications are submitted through the electronic system. The Provost’s final decision and any subsequent changes are also recorded in the electronic system.

1.   Applicants will electronically submit the completed proposal via the sabbatical website. Successful proposals will then be reviewed by the Unit, the University Sabbatical Review Committee, the Dean, and the Provost.

2.   At each level of review, the proposals shall be evaluated with reference to the objectives and criteria noted in the “Guide to Completing the Proposal”. The applicant will be notified, in writing, of any negative recommendation, along with an explanation, within three (3) working days of the date of transmission of the notice.

3.   An applicant whose proposal receives a negative recommendation may appeal to the next level of review within three (3) working days of their receipt of the reasons for rejection. This appeal must be in the form of a written statement and include the reasons that the proposal meets the objectives, criteria, and format. The appeal is submitted to the Office of the Provost to upload to the electronic sabbatical system (contact the Office of the Provost for specific instructions). 

If the next level of review wishes to overturn a negative recommendation on appeal, their written statement must provide an explanation addressing the reasons for reversing the previous recommendation, including how the proposal meets the requirements outlined.

  • If the proposal is approved on appeal, a written explanation of the reasons for the approval will be sent to the previous level(s) of review and to the applicant; a written record of both the positive and negative recommendations will accompany the proposal when it is forwarded to the next level of review.
  • If the proposal is not recommended at two stages of review (Unit, University Sabbatical Review Committee, or Dean) on appeal, it ends for that academic year and may not be considered by higher levels of review.
  • All appeals of a negative recommendation by the unit must be decided by the third Monday of November.
  • All appeals of a negative recommendation by the University Sabbatical Review Committee must be decided by December 15.
  • All appeals of a negative recommendation by the Dean must be decided by January 31.

Page last modified October 5, 2023