Statistics Publicity Release Form

Statistics Publicity Release Form

As a student consultant for the assigned project, your roles include:

  • meeting with the clients to understand the project’s questions, goals, objectives, etc.,
  • determining the appropriate analyses to investigate the questions,
  • generating appropriate output, and
  • explaining the output and results to the clients in both a written and oral format.

Additionally, upon completing the StatisticsPublicityReleaseForm 

  • The presentation (slides/videos) on key findings of the project ONLY will be posted on the Statistics Project Showcase website [requires GVSU login] for a limited duration (last 2 weeks only).
  • Feedback on key findings of the project from your peers and graduate assistants in the SCC via ProjectFeedBack questionnaire, shall be available to you before Final Class Presentations and submission of report to client.

Page last modified September 12, 2024