Faculty/Staff Directory
Dr. Besel's areas of expertise include rhetorical theory, history, and criticism, environmental communication, science communication, media studies, and political communication. Before serving in his role as SoC Director, he chaired the Communication Studies Department at California Polytechnic State University. He is co-editor, with Dr. Jnan Blau, of Performance on Behalf of the Environment, published in 2014 by Lexington Books. A second book, co-edited with Dr. Bernard K. Duffy, titled Green Voices: Defending Nature and the Environment in American Civic Discourse, was published in 2016 by SUNY Press. His work also appears in a variety of books and journals, including Applied Environmental Education and Communication; Communication Theory; Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture; Journal of Risk Research; Making Connections: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Cultural Diversity; Science in Context; and the Southern Communication Journal. He is past president of the National Communication Association’s Environmental Communication Division and a past chair of the Western States Communication Association’s Environmental Communication interest group.
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B.A., North Central College; M.A., University of Illinois-Chicago; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign