
10 Questions with Alumni Rashound Cobb

10 Questions with Alumni Rashound Cobb

Name, Grad Year, Current Job Title

Rashound Cobb Graduated in April 2019. Current Job Title is Member Engagement Director


Where was your favorite place to eat on or off campus?

This is a toss-up between the Connection and Panda Express


Favorite place at GVSU to hang out with friends?

I spent an alarming amount of time at the Rec center


Favorite class?

Probably SPM 376. Was the first time where we got to really apply everything we were learning.


Favorite internship?

I did all my internships at the Y but my First one working a free summer baseball league was amazing.


Favorite sports team/event? (GVSU and non-GVSU)

I am a diehard Michigan fan I went to the Michigan v Michigan State game a couple years ago and it was an amazing experience!

What does your current day-to-day look like?

I oversee a team of about 20-25 people. I handle all member questions, concerns and complaints within my branch. I also have several projects that I work on typically to help improve member experience and retention. I also have a budget that I manage and ensure that we are on track week to week in order to ensure we are on track.


What is your favorite part of your job?

The variety of people I get to meet. I have met CEOs, Presidents of Sports teams, Lawyers and your local high schoolers all within the same four walls. You do not get to do that in many places. I've really gotten to build my network and impact a lot of people through the YMCA.


How did you land your current role?

I sent an email asking to help. After proving I am reliable and hardworking, I got offered a part-time position, and then a full-time position. Eventually, I worked my way to the top of my Department.


Favorite thing you have done/worked on in your role?

The Y is all about inclusivity and breaking down barriers. Volunteering my time in the community to help this happen is one of my favorite things to do. Specifically with a Community Food Club. Their mission is amazing and impactful. I am working on a new project soon that could replace this soon though.


Any advice or inspiration for current Sport Management students?

The number of people that want to help you is so much vaster that you could ever believe. Most people are passionate about what they do and are willing to teach you what they know and how to get there. All you have to do is ask. Relationships are just as important as what's on your resume.

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Page last modified January 27, 2025