BSW Admission and Academic Requirements

BSW Candidacy
The School of Social Work’s BSW Candidacy admission procedures are administered by the BSW Program Director and other assigned faculty. Students wishing to major in Social Work are encouraged to work with the CECI Advising Center to ensure that all academic requirements and pre-candidacy courses are in place for BSW Candidacy.

Students who wish to major in social work must apply for BSW Candidacy during their sophomore year.

To be eligible for BSW Candidacy students must have:

  1.      A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 (4.0 scale)
  2.      Earned a minimum grade of C (2.0) and not have repeated the following courses more than once: SW 150, BIO 104, PLS 102, PSY 101, SOC 101, SW 300, PSY 303/324, and course in social problems/social inequality.  Proficiency in MTH 110 is also needed, but does not require minimum grade of C (2.0)

Application Process
The link to the application is below. Applicants use their GVSU login and password to access the application and can upload their resume and personal statement within the online application.  

There will be two information sessions regarding the application prior to the due date.  Dates and times are:
Friday, December 3 from 1-2pm in Allendale (2263 Kirkhof Center)
Tuesday, January 14, 2025 from 1-2pm via Zoom

Zoom link will be available approximately one week prior to the session.  If interested in attending, please email Michelle Hodde ( or Laura Kastler ( 

Applications for current GVSU students are due Friday, January 24, 2025, by 5pm.  

Applications for incoming transfer student planning to attend GVSU starting Spring/Summer 2025 or Fall 2025, are due Friday, June 27, 2025 by 5pm.  Transfer students whose orientation is after June 27, have seven (7) calendar days after orientation to submit the application.  Please schedule your orientation prior to submitting your application.

BSW Candidacy Application Link

NASW Code of Ethics - reference to help answer required questions for the application

Degree Requirements
The BSW degree requires successful completion of 120 semester hours of college credit. The degree is built on a foundation of liberal arts and 34 hours of required cognate courses and international courses. In addition, students must take 44 credit hours of coursework in the major, including the areas of human behavior and the social environment, social welfare policy and services, social work research, integrated methods in social work practice, and the field practicum in social work.

Students apply online for Candidacy for the BSW program. After applications have been received, the following process occurs:

     1. Applications for BSW Candidacy are reviewed by the BSW Program Director and other faculty members with primary teaching responsibility in the BSW program.

     2. Applicants for Candidacy are awarded three types of admission: 

          Full Admission: All academic requirements and pre-candidacy courses are complete.

          Conditional Admission: One or more of the following conditions on admission applies:
               -Missing or lack of successful completion of pre-candidacy courses;
               -Cumulative GPA below 2.5;
               -Poorly developed or unclear personal statement;
               -Significant concerns regarding writing skills;
               -Concerns with professional expectations.
Conditional admission requires necessary steps to be taken to ensure academic preparation for the BSW program. After successful completion of the required steps, students are granted full admission.

          Denial of Admission: Student does not meet the requirements or expectations necessary to succeed in the BSW program.

     3. Applicants are notified in writing of their admission decision.

     4. Applicants denied Candidacy may appeal to the School of Social Work Director.

Accepted applicants are regarded as candidates for the BSW degree, while those who are not accepted are referred for advising to explore other major options.

BSW Candidates must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA in social work courses.


Page last modified December 4, 2024